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Speculative Realism: Problems and Prospects Placeholder book cover
Peter Gratton
#Kant #Derrida #Serres #Foucault #Latour #Meillassoux #Brassier #Harman #Badiou (yeah, looks like a BroClub)
and #Grosz & #Bennett
#kant #derrida #Serres #foucault #Latour #Meillassoux #brassier #harman #badiou #Grosz #bennett
So it is for every profession demanding an expertise of manual, intellectual, corporal or linguistic execution….(Serres)
So it is with everything - Stop doing the exercises and you will forget the syntax, the muscles grow rusty, manners, vocabulary, style, form and fine touch vanish… #serres
Et puis j'ai vu cette #vidéo sur #YT : un reportage d'#AntenneRéunion qui présente le travail de l'entreprise #Bambooneem à #LaRéunion qui fabrique des #serres en #bambou. Le reportage est malheureusement relativement superficiel, ce n'est pas un documentaire technique. Néanmoins ça m'a donné quelques idées. (8 min 26'')
#video #yt #antennereunion #bambooneem #lareunion #Serres #bambou #serrebambou #architecture #materiau #biosource
Et puis j'ai vu cette #vidéo sur #YT : un reportage d'#AntenneRéunion qui présente le travail de l'entreprise #Bambooneem à #LaRéunion qui fabrique des #serres en #bambou. Le reportage est malheureusement relativement superficiel, ce n'est pas un documentaire technique. Néanmoins ça m'a donné quelques idées.
#video #yt #antennereunion #bambooneem #lareunion #Serres #bambou #serrebambou #architecture #materiau #biosource
Un peu de lumière dans la nuit, à Liège, visite nocturne des serres du jardin botanique.
#liege #serres #jardinBotanique #nuit #lumiere
#lumiere #nuit #jardinbotanique #Serres #liege
Prisoners in Greece: Hunger Strike as a Weapon #Global #Police #Prison #17n #4760/2020 #anarchist #DHKPC #Dimitris_Koufontinas #Dimitris_Lignadis #dora_bakoyannis #Epaminondas_Korkoneas #Giannis_Michailidis #greece #greek_prisons #hunger_strike #inmates #Korydallos #Kostas_Sakkas #Kurdish #Kyriakos_Mitsotakis #marios_lolos #nigrita_prison #november_17 #pavlos_bakoyannis #prisoners #serres #terra_incognita #Thanos_Hatz
#global #police #prison #17N #Anarchist #DHKPC #dimitris_koufontinas #dimitris_lignadis #dora_bakoyannis #epaminondas_korkoneas #Giannis_Michailidis #greece #greek_prisons #hunger_strike #Inmates #korydallos #kostas_sakkas #kurdish #kyriakos_mitsotakis #marios_lolos #nigrita_prison #november_17 #pavlos_bakoyannis #prisoners #Serres #terra_incognita #thanos_hatz
I used to refer to digital platforms as (data) ecologies. My apologies. But the relations there are not at all symmetric, they are ambivalent, at best, no harmony, just ends and means that have nothing to do with what they display.
The relation is, thus, not symbiotic or simply parasitic either. It is some kinf of reciprocal parasitism with weird distributions of dependency, benefit, and harm at all sites. It might deserve its own term but another metaphor anyway.
#SocialMedia #PlatformEconomy #Serres
#Serres #platformeconomy #socialmedia
I talked about Michel #Serres in the 'Life from Plato's Cave' podcast by @MarioVeen. Listen to our conversation here:
New episode for Life From Plato's Cave: I interviewed @ahouterman about the interdisciplinary philosophy of Michel Serres:
#michelserres #Serres #platoscave #interdisciplinary
Heute zur Abwechslung wieder einen #ThrowbackThursday Beitrag veröffentlicht, dieses Mal über den französischen Philosophen Michel #Serres und seine Sicht auf das #Internet und die Kommunikation. Ursprünglich im 2010 online gestellt.
#throwbackthursday #Serres #internet
Το παιδί πέθανε γαμώ το θεό σας
Πήγε σχολείο και πέθανε ρε γαμημένοι #serres
Ένα παιδί χωρίς τις αισθήσεις του και δύο τραυματισμένα από έκρηξη σε καυστήρα Δημοτικού Σχολείου
Τι γίνεται ρε; Τι ζούμε;
Όλα καλά ;
Thought I'd add some #theory hashtags in hope of connecting with others engaging with #CulturalTheory #PoliticalTheory #NonRepresentationalTheory (#NRT) or #philosophy of #geography.
I enjoy discussing #Foucault, #Benjamin, #Arendt, #Deleuze and #Guattari, #Ranciere, #Serres, as well as #feminist #NewMaterialisms, #CriticalRaceTheory, and #intersectionality.
Key theoretical themes include #affect #aesthetics #authority #power #landscape #performance #biopolitics #body #humour #violence #care
#theory #CulturalTheory #politicaltheory #NonRepresentationalTheory #NRT #philosophy #geography #foucault #benjamin #arendt #deleuze #guattari #Ranciere #Serres #feminist #NewMaterialisms #CriticalRaceTheory #intersectionality #affect #aesthetics #authority #power #landscape #performance #biopolitics #body #humour #violence #care
Hashtag introduction: #jointspeech #embodiment #deleuze #serres # latour #esoterica #chant #nonduality #kashmirishaivism #rhythm #cognitivescience #lawsofform #ritual #mysticism #alchemy #autopoiesis #enaction #subversiveart #theology #divinemadness #shiva #utterance #mantra #prayer #becominganimal
#becominganimal #prayer #mantra #utterance #shiva #divinemadness #theology #subversiveart #enaction #autopoiesis #alchemy #mysticism #ritual #lawsofform #cognitivescience #rhythm #kashmirishaivism #nonduality #chant #esoterica #Serres #deleuze #Embodiment #jointspeech
RT @EUAsylumAgency: We have assisted #Greek authorities with 6,000 #TemporaryProtection registrations of persons arriving from 🇺🇦 #Ukraine to 🇬🇷 #Greece.
The #EUAA supports Greece operationally in #Serres and #Elefsina, in addition to #Athens & #Thessaloniki.
#Greek #temporaryprotection #Ukraine #Greece #EUAA #Serres #Elefsina #Athens #Thessaloniki #EUAAinGreece #SupportIsOurMission
Aujourd'hui avec QuatreAns, on va faire notre premier voyage en #autostop. De #Gap à #Montélimar en passant par #Serres et #Valréas. 155 kilomètres !
Si vous nous voyez sur le coin de la route (ou si vous habitez pas loin et que vous voulez qu'on se rencontre sur le trajet), n'hésitez pas à vous arrêter. Je pense qu'on sera assez reconnaissables !
#autostop #gap #montélimar #Serres #Valréas