Did you know?
1️⃣ in 4️⃣ homes in 🇧🇪 employ workers from the #ServiceVoucher sector.
Most of them are female workers that experience #occupationalsafety & health challenges.
📝Our publication offers practical solutions for improving their wellbeing.
👉 https://osha.europa.eu/en/publications/well-being-work-service-voucher-sector-belgium#pk_campaign=sm_
#ServiceVoucher #occupationalsafety
#ServiceVoucher jobs such as cleaning 🏠, ironing & shopping are vital for 1️⃣ in 4️⃣ homes in 🇧🇪.
Most of these workers are females & they experience several occupational safety & health challenges.
Our discussion paper provides practical solutions: https://osha.europa.eu/en/highlights/improving-safety-and-health-workers-belgiums-personal-and-household-services#pk_campaign=sm_