🚨! Teleporter !🚨
Hurry up plz ffs science. Invent the teleporter... & I'm tired of those those excuses about physics, reality etc.... Teleporters proto plz.
Oh and hover boards, just because... instant travel should be accompanied by non-instant travel being more... fun.
#SethSentry #hiphop #Rap #music #BearTracks #australia #10s
Jon Snow
with a crossbow
in a poncho
hunting for a cheap meal
in a costco
Playful, satirical, honest or just plain weird, every bar is packed with replay.
Seth Sentry - Castevania
#SethSentry #music #hiphop #BearTracks #australia #20s
Hi, I too love Back To Future.
I have an important question though... shouldn't we have hoverboards by now???
Where they at?
#music #SethSentry #BearTracks #backtothefuture
Don't know if this will be your bag. But it's what I was just listening to. Great wordplay, bit dark this track.
Seth Sentry - Cabin fever
#music #SethSentry #australia #BearTracks #hiphop