Seven favourite authors. Hmmm.
Today's list is:
#BookToot #bookstadon #CurrentlyReading #BookRecs #BookTwitter #SevenFavouriteAuthors
#BeckyChambers #RoseMacaulay #margeryallingham #GeorgetteHeyer #terrypratchett #benaaronovitch #katherineaddison #BookToot #bookstadon #currentlyReading #bookrecs #BookTwitter #SevenFavouriteAuthors
#sevenfavouriteauthors don't mind if I do:
#SevenFavouriteAuthors #RuthRendell #thomashardy #daphnedumaurier #JoNesbo #ColinDexter #elizabethvonarnim #missread
And I've read everything they have written. I was there at the birth of #cyberpunk as a #genre and when #theculture first came into existance :)
#SevenFavouriteAuthors #ianmbanks #alistairreynolds #peterfhamilton #garygibson #AdrianTchaikovsky #charlesstross #williamgibson #cyberpunk #genre #theculture
#Sevenfavouriteauthors ? Well that depends on what mood I'm in, but here's a selection that'll do for today.
#IainBanks #IainMBanks (as one)
#ursulakleguin #ursulaleguin (as one)
The next seven?
#SevenFavouriteAuthors #IainBanks #iainmbanks #christopherpriest #ursulakleguin #ursulaleguin #michaelmoorcock #SusannaClarke #hopemirrlees #christopherfowler #BookToot #bookstadon #currentlyReading #bookrecs
@bigbeardedbookseller I'd struggle with that.... Carlos Ruiz Zafon & John Buchan would be there but after that I can't begin to narrow it down from about 100 other authors!
#SevenFavouriteAuthors #TooManyGoodAuthorsToChoseFrom
@bigbeardedbookseller #NeilGaiman
spot the odd one out!
#BookToot #bookstadon #CurrentlyReading #BookRecs #BookTwitter #SevenFavouriteAuthors
#NeilGaiman #terrypratchett #PhilpKDick #ChristopherMcDougall #harryharrison #SuzanneCollins #robertaheinlein #BookToot #bookstadon #currentlyReading #bookrecs #BookTwitter #SevenFavouriteAuthors
There's a thing going round to name your seven favourite authors...
Why so few! Here's just a few of mine!
What's yours?
#BookToot #bookstadon #Feminism #LGBTAuthors #TransAuthors #CurrentlyReading #BookRecs #MastoBooks #SevenFavouriteAuthors
#MaryWollstonecraft #AnaïsNin #MayaAngelou #alicewalker #georgeeliot #gertrudestein #KateBornstein #BookToot #bookstadon #feminism #LGBTAuthors #transauthors #currentlyReading #bookrecs #mastobooks #SevenFavouriteAuthors
Just noticed that there's a thing going round to name seven favourite authors...
Why so few!
#Sarah Moss
and there are plenty more to add to that
#BookToot #bookstadon #CurrentlyReading #BookRecs #BookTwitter #SevenFavouriteAuthors
#maxporter #sarah #NeilGaiman #williamgibson #SelmaAlveda #SayakaMurata #RobertMcfalane #BookToot #bookstadon #currentlyReading #bookrecs #BookTwitter #SevenFavouriteAuthors