Bag packed ready for #SevenHillsRPGConvention. Now to relax in front of the TV watching a class '70s action movie (Ryan O'Neal's The Driver (also starring Bruce Dern)) before heading to the station for my train.
Bag packed ready for #SevenHillsRPGConvention. Now to relax in front of the TV watching a class '70s action movie (Ryan O'Neal's The Driver (also starting Bruce Dern)) before heading to the station for my train.
Had an idea for a sci-fi scenario for #SevenHillsRPGConvention where the PCs have to infiltrate a space station prison to break out a prisoner or, at least, obtain the location of a cache of ill-gotten gains (called Loose Change to fit the theme).
Immediately thought of #SavageWorlds but then @SJohnRoss' #Risus popped into my head. Could even have character generation by the players before the game. I haven't run Risus before but it's only a 4 page PDF so can't be that hard. #TTRPG #RPG
#SevenHillsRPGConvention #savageworlds #risus #ttrpg #rpg
Boxing Day musings include running #Deadlands using #CinematicUnisytem, a secret agency for a potential new espionage RPG set in '60s UK¹, and possible games for #SevenHillsRPGConvention.
¹ The RPG is tentatively entitled For Queen & Country and the agents will work for CHESS (Central Headquarters for Espionage and Surveillance Services). Queen will be codename of head of agency, PCs will be in department Knight, equipment/gadgets will be department Rook. Not sure about Bishop and King yet.
#deadlands #cinematicunisytem #SevenHillsRPGConvention
Registration for #SevenHillsRPGConvention has just opened: