Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: ‘Himpathy’ Is Making Colleges Suspicious of Women Students Who Report Sexual Assault #Jezebel #familiesadvocatingforcampusequality #genderrelatedviolence #christineblaseyford #campussexualassault #crimesagainstwomen #sexualharassment #brettkavanaugh #sexualviolence #sexualassault #nicolebedera #socialissues #sexualabuse #knowyourix #sagecarson #jezebelshe #kim
#jezebel #familiesadvocatingforcampusequality #genderrelatedviolence #christineblaseyford #campussexualassault #crimesagainstwomen #sexualharassment #brettkavanaugh #sexualviolence #sexualassault #nicolebedera #socialissues #SexualAbuse #knowyourix #sagecarson #jezebelshe #kim
"Catholics United for Life became one of the country’s most vocal anti-abortion groups, protesting outside of clinics and operating a pro-life printing press. But it’s now the subject of multiple lawsuits and former members of the community say sexual abuse and violence permeated their lives."
#Catholic #SexualAbuse #abortion #ProLife
#catholic #SexualAbuse #abortion #ProLife
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Nick Carter Is Accused of Sexually Assaulting a Teenager on a Bus and a Yacht #Jezebel #violenceagainstchildren #violenceagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #backstreetboys #melissaschuman #margaretmabie #sexualassault #shannonruth #dalehayesjr #sexualabuse #nickcarter #sexcrimes #lawcrime #carters #rape #ar #rs
#jezebel #violenceagainstchildren #violenceagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #BackstreetBoys #melissaschuman #margaretmabie #sexualassault #shannonruth #dalehayesjr #SexualAbuse #nickcarter #sexcrimes #lawcrime #carters #rape #ar #rs
Apparently and sickeningly, they want to see Father Crow as some kind of hero who has rehabilitated the real-man nature of the Catholic priesthood by running off with an 18-year-old girl.
What distortions and sickness gender assumptions about male dominance and entitlement and about homosexuality have worked in the minds of a whole lot of people. Adult sexual grooming of minors, regardless of sex, is heinous on multiple grounds.
#catholic #SexualAbuse #alabama
2. From the time the abuse situation in the Catholic church broke wide open, the hierarchy sought to frame it as a "homosexuality" problem — and people defending Father Crow for grooming underage girls and running off with an 18-year-old girl are doing the hierarchy's work in pushing that disproven meme. And in ignoring the very real and underreported problem of priests abusing female minors.
#catholic #SexualAbuse #alabama
Father Alex Crow is accused of having groomed MULTIPLE underage girls. So why do some folks (hint: 99.99% men) want to defend him now?
1. Because they have long wanted to use the word "groom" solely to refer to adult men grooming underaged males — and they want the abuse crisis in the Catholic church to be about the bogus claim that it's all due to gay priests.
#catholic #SexualAbuse #alabama
Alabama sheriff Paul Burch states,
“As long as you are 19 or younger, it’s a crime if you are a student and the other party is some — I guess loose word — employee. That could include volunteer, coach, counselor, that kind of thing."
But I've had someone leap into my feed here and inform me that grooming minors is not illegal if immoral. Then, when I spoke back, he told me I'm a "social media rando," though HE invaded MY feed.
#catholic #SexualAbuse #alabama
Alabama sheriff Paul Burch states,
“As long as you are 19 or younger, it’s a crime if you are a student and the other party is some — I guess loose word — employee. That could include volunteer, coach, counselor, that kind of thing."
But I've had someone leap into my feed here and inform me that grooming minors is not illegal if immoral. Then, when I spoke back, he told me I'm a "social media rando," though HE invaded MY feed.
#catholic #SexualAbuse #alabama
"Alex Crow, an expert in the theological study of demons and exorcism, is suspected of having 'groomed [multiple] young girls' before going to Italy with an 18-year-old, according to an interview that local sheriff Paul Burch recently gave to Fox Nation’s Nancy Grace. The teen’s family has been trying to convince her to return home."
"A Roman Catholic priest in Alabama who fled to Europe with a recent high school graduate whom he met through his work has drawn scrutiny from law enforcement and been told to stop presenting himself in public as a cleric."
~ Ramon Antonio Vargas
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Ex-Boyfriend Owes Woman $1.2 Billion in Revenge Porn Case, Jury Rules #Jezebel #marquesjamaljackson #jacobschiffer #bradfordgilde #jamaljackson #socialissues #sexandthelaw #revengeporn #jacksonwill #pornography #sexualabuse #cybercrime #lawcrime #revenge
#jezebel #marquesjamaljackson #jacobschiffer #bradfordgilde #jamaljackson #socialissues #sexandthelaw #revengeporn #jacksonwill #pornography #SexualAbuse #Cybercrime #lawcrime #revenge
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Family of 13-Year-Old Mother Is Moving After Police Failed to Respond to Her Rape #Jezebel #violenceagainstwomen #crimesagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #sexualabuse #sexcrimes #ashley #regina #rape
#jezebel #violenceagainstwomen #crimesagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #SexualAbuse #sexcrimes #ashley #regina #rape
Ramon Antonio Vargas writes,
"After the US’s second-oldest Roman Catholic archdiocese filed for bankruptcy protection in 2020, attorneys for people claiming sexual abuse at the hands of the organization’s clergymen reviewed thousands of records outlining how the church managed the careers of priests and deacons faced with substantial allegations."
#catholic #SexualAbuse #neworleans #gregoryaymond
Not only did the archbishop of New Orleans, Greg Aymond, fail to list large numbers of priests credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors on his list of clerical abusers; not only did Aymond repeatedly ignore the decisions of his own advisory council re: many credibly accused priests and allow those priests to continue in active ministry: but he also did not monitor many priests accused of sexually abusing minors.
#catholic #SexualAbuse #neworleans #gregoryaymond
"More than 300 priests in the New Orleans archdiocese are accused sexual abusers. Less than a quarter are on the official list."
Gosh, I wonder if stories like this might explain why so many Catholics are walking away? It's not only abuse of vulnerable people by religious authority figures. It's brazen lies of those at the top like Archbishop Aymond. Betrayal of pastoral concern, protecting abusers and cold-shouldering victims ….
#Catholic #SexualAbuse #NewOrleans #CoverUp #GregoryAymond
#catholic #SexualAbuse #neworleans #coverup #gregoryaymond
"Though New Orleans’s 230-year-old archdiocese has spent a significant portion of its recent history managing the fallout from its association with the worldwide Catholic church’s clerical molestation scandal, the organization has generally sought to keep hidden the exact number of priests, deacons, nuns, religious brothers and lay staffers – such as parochial school teachers – under its supervision who have been named in abuse claims."
#catholic #SexualAbuse #neworleans #gregoryaymond
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Chris Noth Addresses Sexual Assault Claims Against Him While Launching Menswear Collab #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #lawordercriminalintent #crimesagainstwomen #stephengranovsky #andjustlikethat #carriebradshaw #sexualassault #theequalizer #socialissues #chrisnothmr #sexualabuse #samuelsohn #chrisnoth #sexcrimes #menswear #mrbig #rape #cbs
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #lawordercriminalintent #crimesagainstwomen #stephengranovsky #andjustlikethat #carriebradshaw #sexualassault #TheEqualizer #socialissues #chrisnothmr #SexualAbuse #samuelsohn #chrisnoth #sexcrimes #menswear #mrbig #rape #cbs
BishopAccountability responds to Pope Francis' meeting with survivors of clerical sexual abuse in Portugal:
"The Pope’s meetings with victims are about public relations, not change. And at this point in his papacy, the tactic is not only tired, it’s cynical. An apology without true reform is worse than meaningless. It’s disrespectful."
#popefrancis #catholic #SexualAbuse #portugal
Pope heads to Portugal as country grapples with clergy sexual abuse #Catholicism #PopeFrancis #Portugal #sexualabuse
#catholicism #popefrancis #portugal #SexualAbuse
Liam Stack writes about how Sinead O'Connor tried telling Americans in 1992 — ripping up the pope's picture on SNL — about sexual abuse of minors by religious authority figures.
But Americans refused to listen, until explosive revelations a decade later began opening our eyes to the extent of such abuse first in the Catholic church, then down the road in other religious groups like the Southern Baptists.
#SineadOConnor #SexualAbuse #churches #religion
#sineadoconnor #SexualAbuse #churches #religion