Curious about General Comments & Recommendations within UN Treaty Bodies?
In this video, we explain why these are useful to advance #sexualrights, and how activists can engage in this process.
#CERD is a UN treaty body. Want to learn more on how you can use treaty bodies to advance #sexualrights ?
Watch our video here:
The relationship between #health, #race, #class and #gender is rooted in colonial, patriarchal and capitalist control over women’s sexuality, reproduction and bodies and produces distinct experiences of oppression that are often fatal. #SRHR #sexualrights #CERD
#health #race #class #gender #SRHR #SexualRights #CERD
SRI works to advance the right to #bodilyautonomy for all, including and especially for marginalized people, and resists such attempts to separate or isolate some groups or issues from that broader struggle.
#bodilyautonomy #intersectionality #feminism #SexualRights
In our view, obstacles to legal gender recognition constitute institutional gender-based violence. In this context, we believe that engaging with this mandate-holder sends the signal that her narrative is acceptable.
SRI understands #GBV to go beyond interpersonal violence and to also include the whole gamut of economic, social, psychological and political structures and norms that maintain binary gender categories and roles.
#GBV #sogie #SRHR #SexualRights
We told the Special Rapporteur that we fundamentally reject her arguments seeking to pit ‘women’s rights’ - for instance, the right to access shelters for survivors of violence - against ‘trans rights’, and to treat them as separate or competing.
The Special Rapporteur’s position clearly undermines trans rights and contradicts established human rights standards and her own mandate - all in the name of feminism.
Last February, as a feminist coalition, we published a statement on the Special Rapporteur on #VAW, Reem Alsalem, harmful position on gender identity.
📰⭐️Read it here:
#vaw #sogie #SRHR #SexualRights
Save the date! Our next hybrid side-event at #HRC52 will discuss Health, Human rights and Capitalism. Join us in person or online on Monday 20 March at 13:00 CET. Register now here:
#hrc52 #humanrights #capitalism #health #feminism #SexualRights
We will follow these resolutions closely as the realisation of the full range of #sexualrights for all cannot be achieved without addressing economic inequalities and #poverty. Learn more about these resolutions and other sexual rights-related resolutions in our full round-up on our website.
As we embark on another year of #activism for sexual rights, we wanted to share with you our highlights of 2022. Last year, the SRI made steadfast progress in advancing #sexualrights in the UN #HumanRights system. Read more ➡️
#activism #SexualRights #humanrights
@UNHumanRights Statement to Session 4: Session 4: Investing in social spending, tackling inequalities and promoting economic policies that advance greater realization of economic, social and cultural rights: Watch here:
#economicjustice #racialjustice #COVID19 #SexualRights