Professeurherve · @Professeurherve
89 followers · 44 posts · Server

Formation "numérique et mathématiques" aujourd'hui. Nous parlerons de la démarche , de , des services de , et de la pédagogie de . Défi maths : trace le blason de Marseille au compas et à la règle !

#LaDigitale #logo #SeymourPapert

Last updated 2 years ago

Professeurherve · @Professeurherve
89 followers · 40 posts · Server

En relisant pour une animation pédagogique, je suis émerveillé à nouveau par sa pertinence, la puissance de sa pensée dans une pédagogie du numérique. Ne pas le mettre au même rang que d'autres philosophes de l'éducation est incompréhensible.


Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server

"[...] as a pedagogic project, I find actively uninterested in its own underlying materiality, aspiring instead to a kind of disembodied and bland . Students are encouraged to explore the “world at large” by adding additional layers of in the form of sensors, rather than considering all the ways the technologies they use are already engaged with the world. The project’s “neutral” aesthetics, while dimly echoing a once-radical , ignore the larger pedagogic program of the historical Bauhaus’s engagement and with the materials of its contemporary, technical production."
Welcomed critique (finally!) of Processing,
, Design by Numbers () with the perspectives given by the vernacular and .
"Torn at the seams: approaches to with tools" by in the publication "Vernaculars come to , (re)orienting and " by @manetta @ccl and

#pedagogy #bricolage #JulieBoschatThorez #vvvvvvaria #language #matter #MichaelMurtaugh #computational #teaching #vernacular #logo #SeymourPapert #imagemagick #DBN #JohnMaeda #CaseyReas #experimentation #aesthetic #bauhaus #technology #universality #processing

Last updated 3 years ago