This 360° visualization based on data from Chandra and other telescopes shows ~25 Wolf-Rayet stars around the Milky Way's supermassive black hole Sgr A*.
"The movie shows 2 simulations, each of which start around 350 years in the past and span 500 years. The 1st one shows Sgr A* in a calm state, the 2nd has a more violent Sgr A* that is expelling material, turning off the accretion of clumped material (yellow blobs) prominent in the 1st portion."
Dozens of massive Wolf-Rayet stars are known to orbit within 1.5 ly of the central super massive black hole Sgr A* in our own galaxy.
The fierce stellar winds of the WR stars collide with each other creating shock waves and clumps of gas and dust, which heat up to millions of degrees and emit X-rays.
Some of these clumps spiral into the black hole. Some of the material gets ejected into interstellar space.
#JWST #WR124 #WolfRayet #SgrA*
Matt Williams - Meet the Supermassive Black Hole at the Heart of the Milky Way:
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#astronomy #astrophysics #ComputationalScience #hpc #Supercomputers #Interferometry #VLBI #apex #ALMA #EHT #EventHorizonTelescope #AccretionDisk #Accretion #SMBH #SupermassiveBlackHole #SgrA #SagittariusA #blackhole