@thenation @chrislehmann @exposedbycmd
Sure thing, don’t forget Ginni Thomas, she’s a head honcho over at the sedition adjacent #ShadowNetwork.
RT @babs_zone
No better travel partnersfor Justice Clarence Thomas to keep nice and secret than Council for National Policy members Leonard Leo and wife Ginni Thomas. #ShadowNetwork https://twitter.com/propublica/status/1643929027353124864
Like so many others, the publisher is a member of the highly sedition-adjacent #ShadowNetwork.
RT @anelsona@twitter.com
Friendly reminder to @davidbadash@twitter.com @AlterNet@twitter.com: Thomas, Mitchell, Blackwell, Bossie & at least 8 others are leading members of #CNP, the coordinating body behind these efforts. #ShadowNetwork https://www.alternet.org/ginni-thomas-kevin-mccarthy-letter/
So if I’ve got this right, Kevin didn’t go to the #shadownetwork shindig in September so they’re giving him the cold shoulder for Speaker this January.
RT @anelsona@twitter.com
From #CNP’s James Dobson’s Family Research Council: “Safe for churches to promote.” #ShadowNetwork