#TTRPG Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles for September 3, 2023 - #RPG discounts, giveaways, and fundraisers for #DnD, #Pathfinder, #VampireTheMasquerade, #Traveller, #OSR, #ShadowOfTheDemonLord, #DungeonCrawlClassics #DCC, and a lot more! https://www.enworld.org/threads/freebies-sales-and-charity-bundles-for-september-3-2023.699596/
#ttrpg #rpg #DnD #pathfinder #vampirethemasquerade #traveller #osr #ShadowoftheDemonLord #dungeoncrawlclassics #DCC
#RPG Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles for August 27, 2023 - Discounts, giveaways, and #TTRPG charity fundraisers including #DnD, #Pathfinder, #SavageWorlds, #DungeonCrawlClassics, #Shadowdark, #ShadowOfTheDemonLord, and more! https://www.enworld.org/threads/freebies-sales-and-charity-bundles-for-august-27-2023.699500/
#rpg #ttrpg #DnD #pathfinder #SavageWorlds #dungeoncrawlclassics #shadowdark #ShadowoftheDemonLord
Sto generando un personaggio per una sessione di #ShadowOfTheDemonLord. Stava procedendo tutto perfettamente finché quest'uomo di sessant'anni, accademico dell'occulto, dalla posizione sociale agiata, non ha ottenuto "una fama di amante esperto".
#RPGaDay2023 Q25:
I'm only including physical games here, not PDFs I've picked up from bundles.
- Dune RPG
- The Expanse RPG
- Pathfinder
- Shadow of the Demon Lord
- Traveller
I could go on, but there the ones I'd _really_ like to play...
#Dune #TheExpanse #Pathfinder #ShadowOfTheDemonLord #Traveller
#rpgaday2023 #dune #theexpanse #pathfinder #ShadowoftheDemonLord #traveller
#RPG Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles for August 20, 2023 - #TTRPG discounts, fundraisers, and PWYW products for #DnD, #Pathfinder, #Traveller, #BlueRose, #TORG, #Shadowdark, #CallofCthulhu, #VampireTheMasquerade, #ShadowoftheDemonLord, and a lot more! https://www.enworld.org/threads/freebies-sales-and-charity-bundles-for-august-20-2023.699362/
#rpg #ttrpg #DnD #pathfinder #traveller #bluerose #Torg #shadowdark #callofcthulhu #vampirethemasquerade #ShadowoftheDemonLord
18. If you go merely by hours played at the moment, #DCCRPG would be my favourite #TTRPG system. In previous years, I’d’ve nominated #CallOfCthulhu or #ShadowOfTheDemonLord for the mechanics and the lore. I also have an abiding love for #Traveller.
Truth be told, however, as I play more and more different RPG systems (over 100 since the COVID pandemic began), I’ve increasingly come to realise that I don’t play for the systems—I play for the people.
#dccrpg #ttrpg #callofcthulhu #ShadowoftheDemonLord #traveller #rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #coc #SotDL
Ieri Rob Schwalb ha lanciato il kickstarter per il suo nuovo #gdr, Shadow of the Weird Wizard - come dire una versione di #ShadowOfTheDemonLord con meno budella e tetraggine, e più meccaniche adatte ad avventure eroiche.
All in all, I'm intrigued about the final product. I have no experience with its predecessor #ShadowOfTheDemonLord, so I have no frame of reference in regards to that one. But it looks like it could be a really nice #5e-replacement ruleset.
I could live without the verboseness though. It's hard to go back once you've had the taste of the succinctness of rules like #OSE and #Shadowdark. 😆
#ShadowoftheDemonLord #5e #ose #shadowdark #TRPG #ShadowoftheWeirdWizard
6. I love #13thAge (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?filters=45211_0_0_0_0), #ShadowOfTheDemonLord (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?filters=45587_0_0_0_0) and #WarhammerFRP’s second edition (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/54/Cubicle-7-Entertainment-Ltd/subcategory/179_4943/Warhammer-Fantasy-Roleplay-2nd-Edition). Choosing between them is like choosing between children… who you also don't play with. 🤔
I hear #WHFRP 4e is fairly close to 2e, but I’ve not had time to look into it, sadly, and it also strikes me as a bit premium-pricy anyway—not something I can do much anymore.
#13thage #ShadowoftheDemonLord #warhammerfrp #WHFRP #rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #SotDL #ttrpg
Stuff I like, and like to talk about:
#DnD #5e, including #TalesOfTheValiant #ToV
#Pathfinder2e #PF2e
#BladesInTheDark #ForgedInTheDark #BitD #FitD
#ShadowOfTheDemonLord #SotDL
#ResistanceSystem #SparkedByTheResistance
#Horror games
#InstructionalDesign #ISD
#LearningGames and #TeachingGames
#Maps and #Art
#DnD #5e #talesofthevaliant #tov #pathfinder2e #pf2e #fate #bladesinthedark #forgedinthedark #bitd #fitd #ShadowoftheDemonLord #SotDL #resistancesystem #sparkedbytheresistance #slayers #heart #mage #UnknownArmies #yearzeroengine #horror #urbanfantasy #gamedesign #worldbuilding #monsters #GMAdvice #gamemastering #genre #instructionaldesign #isd #learninggames #teachinggames #maps #art #diy #trophyrpg
#ShadowoftheWeirdWizard (#SotWW?) by R. #Schwalb incoming!
This variant of the popular #SotDL system might be an alternative for #DnD and (high) #fantasy #ttrpg fans alike.
I'm interested.
#SotDL #ShadowoftheDemonLord
#ShadowoftheWeirdWizard #sotww #schwalb #SotDL #dnd #fantasy #ttrpg #ShadowoftheDemonLord
#ShadowoftheWeirdWizard by R. #Schwalb incoming!
This variant of the popular #SotDL system might be an alternative for #DnD and (high) #fantasy #ttrpg fans alike.
I'm interested.
#SotDL #ShadowoftheDemonLord
#ShadowoftheWeirdWizard #schwalb #SotDL #dnd #fantasy #ttrpg #ShadowoftheDemonLord
1. #ShadowoftheDemonLord: i own the game since 2018, always wanted to try it out, but it holds a weird position between my regular #osr games and #Morborg. One day: SotDL Goblin mini campaign!
2. #ForbiddenLands: Splendid boxed set. Sweet Sword&Sorcerish hexcrawlin. Right down my alley, but somehow the #yearzeroengine does not appeal to me…yet
3. #TheBlackSwordHack: own the original version and backed the ultimate chaos edition on KS. Will bring it to table in 2023.
#ShadowoftheDemonLord #osr #morborg #forbiddenlands #yearzeroengine #TheBlackSwordHack
I'm going to run a mini-fantasy campaign this year and have narrowed it down to #ShadowoftheDemonLord or #RuneQuest. I've heard great things about both of them and doing a side-by-side reading. #DecadeofGaming
#ShadowoftheDemonLord #runequest #decadeofgaming
Wieder kein #DCC -Donnerstag. 😔
Wir spielen #DungeonCrawlClassics nämlich am Samstag, am Tisch, mit verrückten Würfeln und allem drum und dran! 🥳
Wie letzte Woche wird heute dafür Der Schatten des Dämonenfürsten von #SystemMatters gespielt. Heute aber das erste Mal mit der Printausgabe! 🔥🤘🔥
#DnD #no #rpg #new #ShadowoftheDemonLord #ttrpg #pnpde #systemmatters #dungeoncrawlclassics #DCC
Diese Woche ist eine #DnD -Woche.
Nein, kein #DCC -Donnerstag.
Wir machen nämlich am Dienstag SCs und am Donnerstag wird dann Der Schatten des Dämonenfürsten von #SystemMatters bzw. #ShadowoftheDemonLord von #SchwalbEntertainment gespielt! 🔥🤘🔥
#pnpde #ttrpg #opendnd
#OpenDnD #ttrpg #pnpde #schwalbentertainment #ShadowoftheDemonLord #systemmatters #DCC #DnD
Per esempio, mai vista così tanta gente sul Discord di #ShadowOfTheDemonLord. 👀
@laidbackdm honestly kind of obsessed with #shadowofthedemonlord Dead by Dawn one shot rn. I love the overall story, love the structure (seige rounds whose success is narratively driven), and that it pushes PC action without them having to decide to engage.
Die narrative Phase von #Oathsworn (into the Deepwood) funktioniert wie ein Choose your own Adventure-Buch und dient aus spielmechanischer Sicht dazu, verschiedene Ressourcen und Hinweise zu sammeln, die im Kernspiel zum Einsatz kommen. Der (Vorgelesene) Text ist erstaunlich stimmig und atmosphärisch und weniger platt/cringy als bei anderen Fantasy Co-ops. Setting/Athmo: stellt euch eine Mische aus #Warhammer und #ShadowOfTheDemonlord vor. Bisschen edgy, #bodyhorror, mutiertes Geschnätz 2/x
#Oathsworn #warhammer #ShadowoftheDemonLord #bodyhorror
#TimeWatch. What's not to love about brain-twisting time travel shenanigans? Taught me a lot about running investigative games without railroading.
#Warhammer Fantasy. What can I say? A classic. Would love to play more someday.
#ShadowOfTheDemonLord. The system encourages rich character development in some really interesting ways.
#TimeWatch #warhammer #ShadowoftheDemonLord