We have retained the services of PR firm Anderson & Huang to rehabilitate the term “nerve agent”, having acquired ChemWorx Defense Systems last Spring. Thank you those of you who worked on our internal white paper on the subject.
Portland-Cara'sir Security, I swear I JUST saw Walter Urdli on the corner of SE 26th & Washington. If he comes anywhere near the S-K campus I need you to call me immediately.
If he’s in town it’s never good news.
I know the first day back after a long break can be difficult so I just want to say GET 👏 WITH 👏 THE 👏 PROGRAM! Question your life choices on your own time.
Good morning, Employees. Saeder-Krupp is workshopping an improved labor organization model that centers the good of the company over other concerns. For instance, we are replacing the oxymoron of a day off for “Labor Day” with a work-a-thon. Become a Kruppie Kobold and keep the company One Step Ahead!
On this occasion, I shall forego my house scotch in favor of a large blended margarita. -L
I’m going to need all matrix personnel to report in ASAP. The copier on 27 is churning out print offs that say stuff like “help where am i” and “cannot see so cold” and we can’t determine where the print jobs are coming from.
Harlequin, those security guards aren’t free! That wasn’t even a Level C facility! What could you possibly have wanted in there? -L
You call these the halls of power? Mr. Lofwyr has an office with an actual waterfall in it.
Ah, Sirrurg. Every dragon-hater’s favorite dragon. He may be a slave to his convictions and one of my least favorite contemporaries but I’ll be damned before I accept the judgment of him by *humans*. -L
If anyone needs me I’m working from a backup office today because Mr. Lofwyr has recently discovered a pre-Awakening musician by the name of Tom Petty and is listening to the song “American Girl” on repeat.
It’s not that it isn’t great music, it’s just that he keeps increasing the volume and if I stayed where I was I’d go deaf and then die.
Berth 23B on the wrecked cruise ship “Adventure” was the last known lair of one Hermés Karcharías, pirate and follower of Shark. Karcharías is believed to have stolen several proprietary chemical samples from a Renraku research vessel earlier this year. Seeking a team to infiltrate the vessel and recover the samples, if they are still there. Watch out for Hermés and his friends - they’re not normal pirates…
Jr. VP of Accounting Anita Crown from the Portland office was found catatonic in her hotel room in Crescent City, California yesterday. Hotel staff say she checked in looking pale with a “stranded motorist” - a striking red headed woman.
S-K staff on the Pacific Coast are reminded to exercise and abundance of caution when out alone.
Saeder-Krupp acknowledges differences in opinion regarding the company’s LEGALLY PROTECTED decision to conduct the management of the Thule Protectorate’s power grid remotely from Köln. During this precarious time of transition much can go wrong, and Mr. Lofwyr wishes to personally remind the government and citizens of the Thule Protectorate to carefully consider the consequences any potential actions to disrupt this transition and *not to do anything stupid*.
Fun Friday Facts, Employees!
Reply with the strangest wound you’ve received on the job for a chance to win a DocWagon Gift Card!
Me? Probably in ‘58 when I got pinned to an airport stair truck with a crossbow bolt while pursuing my missed flight down the runway at LAX.
Employee Wellness is all well and good but don’t let it get in the way of your commitment to the company. Oh, you worked so hard you got hives? I worked so hard I got *shot*! You want to climb the ladder or not?
If I tear up my undercarriage on one more FRAGGING Halloweener, I swear to ghost… 🤬
Almost time for my monthly in-person #Shadowrun game!
And here is what happened last month:
I know it’s hot but you can’t take your breaks in Cold Storage. There’s a lot in there that could make everyone’s day very, very bad.
There has been a massive chemical spill in Birch Tree, MO. Do not go there. Do not attempt to contact anyone who is there. Very dangerous. Entire town quarantined. Stay away because of the chemicals, like I said. Spezial-Sicherheits-Gruppe deployed to the area. Everything is going to be fine. Never go there again. Forget Birch Tree ever existed!
Copy for the new initiative is in. Think they’ll buy it?
Introducing SaederKoin: An AI driven universal*basic**income*** owned by everyone****!
All you need to do is give us, for free, a giant database of genetic sequences and you can get monthly payments in SaederKoin which will be accepted anywhere SaederKoin is accepted!