My #DnD 5e campaign of the last three years is heavily #Earthdawn influenced, with imports from #ShadowsOfEsteren and a #Ravenloft module by #GoodmanGames, all heavily modified.
One of my players was going to miss game night because of her own birthday party, so we co-opted the other attendees (who had never played before) for a one shot and brought game night her. Everyone took over an NPC for this one shot.
NPC descriptions, along with their communities:
#DnD #Earthdawn #ShadowsOfEsteren #ravenloft #goodmangames
Hat schon mal jemand #ShadowsOfEsteren gespielt? Ich habe vor einiger Zeit im Rahmen eines Fateforge CF eine Chance gehabt für wenig Geld das komplette Paket abzugreifen und das kam hier heute an. War so lang her, dass ich es fast vergessen hatte. Sieht alles wunderschön aus.
Hi #ttrpg folks - just wanted to let people know the award winning #shadowsofesteren gothic fantasy rpg core rulebook has just been made #paywhatyouwant on DTRPG by the publishers. Look for Book 1 - Universe for the core rules (Book 0 - Prologue - full of adventures is also there for free)
#ttrpg #ShadowsOfEsteren #paywhatyouwant