Global News BC: 8 police officers killed on the job across Canada in the past 6 months #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Canadianofficerskilledinthelineofduty #Edmontonpoliceshooting #edmontonpoliceservice #GrzegorzPierzchala #TravisGillespie #FallenOfficers #DevonNorthrup #Edmontoncrime #MorganRussell #TravisJordan #ShaelynYang #AndrewHong #BrettRyan #Canada #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #canadianofficerskilledinthelineofduty #edmontonpoliceshooting #edmontonpoliceservice #grzegorzpierzchala #travisgillespie #fallenofficers #devonnorthrup #edmontoncrime #morganrussell #travisjordan #ShaelynYang #andrewhong #brettryan #Canada #crime
Global News BC: COVID, crime and courts: Global BC’s top 10 news stories of 2022 #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #GlobalBCtopstories #Const.ShaelynYang #Langleyshooting #Saanichshooting #BCheatdeaths #DougMcCallum #YearinReview #ShaelynYang #AmandaTodd #AydinCoban #BCCOVID-19 #bcdrought #COVID-19 #DavidEby #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #GlobalBCtopstories #Const #Langleyshooting #Saanichshooting #BCheatdeaths #DougMcCallum #yearinreview #ShaelynYang #AmandaTodd #AydinCoban #bccovid #bcdrought #covid #DavidEby #Canada
Global News BC: Const. Shaelyn Yang acted appropriately in fatal homeless incident: B.C. probe #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Const.ShaelynYang #Vancouverhomeless #ShaelynYangDeath #burnabyrcmp #ShaelynYang #Vancouver #Burnaby #Canada #BCRCMP #Crime #IIOBC #IIOBC #IIO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Const #Vancouverhomeless #ShaelynYangDeath #burnabyrcmp #ShaelynYang #Vancouver #burnaby #Canada #BCRCMP #crime #IIOBC #IIO
The death of Const. #ShaelynYang :
"Ham, 37, appears in few news reports, although he has a busy recent record of interactions with police over the last two years, according to the Vancouver Sun. He had two extant warrants for assault out at the time of Yang’s death, one related to a February incident and another to a March incident. Court records also show that Ham had missed a number of court appearances, yet continued to receive bail."
#nationalpost #crime #ShaelynYang