Gone on retreat at Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia? You were probably videotaped in the shower. Shambala's sex and power scandals just never end.
#Shambhala #buddhist #buddhism
Judgment on Ronald Lloyd Spencer #Shambhala #Buddhism #TibetanBuddhism #Trungpa
#Shambhala #buddhism #tibetanbuddhism #Trungpa
Meanwhile, shambhala board update, and Ashoka Mukpo steps down from the board
#Shambhala newsletter announcing Ashoka Mukpo stepping down from the board, see near bottom of the link
Les abus financiers et sexuels sont désormais connu chez #RIGPA depuis... Des décennies maintenant.
Chez #Shambhala depuis plus de 30 ans
Chez #OgyenKunzangCholing alias OKC depuis 2010
Il y a d'autres "centres" concerné en France @Miviludes_Gouv comme chez les Kagyu par ex.
RT @OKCinfor
Dommage que la seule mention de Bouddhisme Tibétain dans le rapport 2021 @Miviludes_Gouv soit limitée à Chogyam Trungpa, sans même mentionner +30 …
#rigpa #Shambhala #OgyenKunzangCholing
#Shambhala and the issue of sexual abuses and the degeneration of Trungpa, Thomas Frederick Rich alias Ösel Tendzin and Sakyong Mipham must be exposed in their entirety.
There is still a free pass inside & outside Shambhala to revere a predator, drug addict and sexual abuser.
RT @BuddhistLeaks
Predators that are still revered by most of Tibetan Buddhism in the West and East.
Predators that are still called "Lama"
Predators tha…
Cult Classics vs. Cult Survivor Literature: What Will Your Spiritual Reading Be Now?
#Trungpa #Shambhala #TibetanBuddhism #abuses #metoo
#Trungpa #Shambhala #tibetanbuddhism #abuses #metoo
Survivors of an International Buddhist Cult Share Their Stories
An investigation into decades of abuse at #Shambhala International https://thewalrus.ca/survivors-of-an-international-buddhist-cult-share-their-stories/
First Hand Experience of #Shambhala's Toxic Culture and Abuse https://www.reddit.com/r/ShambhalaBuddhism/comments/p977h5/first_hand_experience_of_shambhalas_toxic_culture/
Or you can be a sexual abuses predator posing as crazy wisdom warrior, either way it's a total failure #shambhala
RT @heilbrunn
There is no such thing as a failed warrior. Either you are a warrior or a coward ~ Chogyam Trungpa
How can you still be a "spiritual head" and an abuser at the same time? @SakyongMipham
Had no idea you could keep being "heading" anything or that Abusive Predation was hereditary!
The Problem with Pema Chödrön / #Trungpa #Shambhala: https://matthewremski.medium.com/the-problem-with-pema-ch%C3%B6dr%C3%B6n-25c35ed4a8e7