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[RT Bernard @bernard21740624@twtr.plus] - Translated

The figures of the interior ministries are false. Macron is hated.

@AnonymousCitizen@twtr.plus: Demonstration for the ELEVENTH CONSECUTIVE SATURDAY in Paris against the health pass.
(video: @taoualitamar@twtr.plus)

#dVax #protest #jab #covid #COVID19 #lockdown #france #PassSanitaire #ShamePass #NOVaccinePassports #dMeme #VaccinePassports #paris #eu #passdelahonte #dNews #news #riot #vaccine #Demonstrations25september

Last updated 3 years ago

Ça y est ! En Italie les routiers démarrent le blocage général des routes contre le covidisme et le ! ...


That's it!

In Italy, truck drivers are starting the general blocking of roads against covidism and ! ()

French truck drivers, French farmers, fairgrounds, … a whole people are counting on you!


#news #covid #protest #italy #passdelahonte #dIrony #dNews #PassSanitaire #ShamePass #dVax #dMeme #vaccine #lockdown #riot #jab #VaccinePassports #COVID19

Last updated 3 years ago