I've (finally) updated my website & linked my Mastodon account. With that came a small flurry of new #MacroPhoto uploads as well as a new #logo - which I ❤️.
I would appreciate it if anyone knows of ways in which to add a #feed of their Mastodon toots to a #Wordpress site - I would very much like to remove the bird site feed in the near future. 🙏
#macrophoto #logo #feed #WordPress #ShamlessSelfPromotion #mastodonadvice #mastodonmigration
What kind of apocalypses have we survived, and which future apocalypses should we be on the lookout for?
How can the past direct our awareness of the future?
This issue took me 10 months to figure out, but yesterday it finally clicked. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
#Writing #ShamlessSelfPromotion #History #SocialMedia #Futurism #Religion #Politics #Books #SideProject #GhostCMS #ConnectingDisparateIdeas #Ideas #ShowerThought #Essay
#writing #ShamlessSelfPromotion #history #socialmedia #futurism #religion #politics #books #sideproject #GhostCMS #ConnectingDisparateIdeas #ideas #showerthought #essay