@chicob sim, é realmente útil para identificação de espécies.
O que mais gosto é das várias possibilidades de aceder a informação geográfica, como o #mapa interactivo e os diferentes formatos (vg. #shapefile, tabela) que se podem descarregar livremente, no caso de mapas de distribuição de espécies por quadrícula geográfica.
Ah, e podemos também aceder directamente no @qgis, através do Serviço #WFS. É só copiar o seguinte endereço e colocá-lo neste programa #SIG: https://flora-on.pt/wfs
I knew a guy from the Isle of Wight
who had a shapefile that wasn’t quite right.
We chose to convert to geopackage,
and thus get rid of sidecar baggage.
But cleaning up topology then caused an outright fright.
#gischat #limrigis #geopackage #Shapefile #topology
If you have a bunch of #LiDAR files you may find useful to have them mapped on #QGIS in order to load the right one without many attempts.
#Python is your friend and you may use this script to convert a point #cloud data set into an #ESRI #shapefile.
#Shapefile #esri #cloud #Python #qgis #lidar
In this #tutorial I'll show you how to use #QGIS to create a brand new ESRI #shapefile to store your #geospatial data.
Learn how to create a new one, set the #geometry type and the field for #data collection.
#gis #data #geometry #geospatial #Shapefile #qgis #tutorial
Why do people keep using #shapefile? I am working with a researcher from the National University of Mexico and she says all the output files must be in .shp. The resulting shapefile is 8 times bigger than its #geopackage counterpart and full of warnings because of the shapefile's specifications.
Just released a new version of #GridScore.
Now with
🔢 Support for rep numbers
🔲 Support for #Shapefile export
📈 New multi-trait timeline visualization
#phenotyping #Shapefile #gridscore
Lol, about the #shapefile disaster
> NOTE: 3rd December is considered the *International Shapefile day*, because thanks to modular, extensible architecture it can have 12+ sidecar files, 3 of which are mandatory