How the Worst Fears for Democracy Were Averted in 2022 #UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #Elections,HouseofRepresentatives #Elections,StateLegislature #PoliticalActionCommittees #RumorsandMisinformation #MidtermElections(2022) #PollsandPublicOpinion #Elections,Governors #Marchant,Jim(1956-) #Shapiro,Josh(1973-) #ProjectDemocracy #Elections,Senate #RepublicanParty #Hobbs,KathleenM #Mastriano,Doug
#UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #Elections #PoliticalActionCommittees #RumorsandMisinformation #MidtermElections #PollsandPublicOpinion #Marchant #Shapiro #ProjectDemocracy #RepublicanParty #Hobbs #mastriano
Happy to see wins by #Shapiro and #Fetterman in #Pennsylvania. Hopeful that #Democrats will maintain control of the Senate so that Biden can keep appointing judges.
#Shapiro #Fetterman #pennsylvania #democrats
@maxkennerly thank you for being an election official in Philly! Your NY neighbors are counting on Pennsylvanians to get your two great candidates over the finish line and to victory! #Fetterman #Shapiro