Does anybody know if there are any live TV services that support #Apple #SharePlay?
Apple Vision Pro and visionOS opens the door to so many opportunities for shared experiences, powered by SharePlay!
#visionpro #visionos #Apple #wwdc23 #SharePlay
Learn about the brand new GroupSessionJournal API, which enables sharing large files quickly over SharePlay!
Every app has an opportunity for an exciting SharePlay use case. Activities are better when you can share them with others. Learn more about how to add SharePlay to your app and about all that’s new!
#Apple #wwdc23 #groupactivities #SharePlay
#SharePlay for Apple CarPlay is an awesome addition: give everyone in the vehicle a chance to act as DJ while on a road trip. #WWDC23
#YouTubePremiun ora supporta #SharePlay per gli utenti dei sistemi #Apple
La funziona che consente di vedere contenuti insieme agli amici mediante #FaceTime
#youtubepremiun #SharePlay #apple #facetime
Ich weiß auch nicht wie ich auf die Idee kam das es schlau wäre diesen Hebel umzulegen. Das Ergebnis: Totaler Verlust.
Irrer Koop mit @firefox
#heavenlybodies #playstation #SharePlay
Upcoming features:
- Will be a Universal app, available on all your devices!
- #SharePlay to listen together
- #Handover support to quickly move a session from your iPhone to your Mac when you arrive to your workstation
- And a few other cool things 🪄
If you got any ideas, suggestions or feedback I'm all ears!
#SharePlay? No thanks. Let us know when you can really share that media in a way that doesn't trample our freedom.
Disney+ x SharePlay: Filme und Serien ohne Geolock mit 32 Freunden schauen #DisneyPlus #Apple #Shareplay