Der #Graefekiez in #Kreuzberg wird nicht #parkplatzfrei, sondern ein Testfeld für #SharedMobility.
#Graefekiez #kreuzberg #parkplatzfrei #Sharedmobility
Bloomington, IN fails to issue any parking citations to scooter companies after passing an ordinance to do so, then hires their own employees to fix the parking problems.
Reporting by @chronicallydave
#Sharedmobility #bloomingtonin #transportation
New mobility technologies, such as #SharedMobility services and #AutonomousVehicles, continue to evolve. How do travelers decide whether to adopt new transportation modes or continue to use conventional modes? "Transportation Mode Choice Behavior in the Era of Autonomous Vehicles: The Application of Discrete Choice Modeling and Machine Learning" is a 2022 dissertation by Sangwan Lee of Portland State University, which uses machine learning to examine this question:
#Sharedmobility #autonomousvehicles
So let me do the introductions.
I'm Benjamin "Benjie" de la Peña. I'm the CEO of the Shared-Use Mobility Center, chair of the Global Partnership for Informal Transportation, and I occassionally send out
I'm all about #InformalTransportation (a.k.a. #PopularTransportation) and #sharedmobility #peoplecenteredmobility
I love #cities and #urbanism
I believe that we can't fight #climatechange without addressing #equity. We need a #JustTransition.
I'm #Filipino
#InformalTransportation #PopularTransportation #Sharedmobility #peoplecenteredmobility #cities #urbanism #climatechange #equity #justtransition #filipino
We've officially hopped on the #Mastodon train! 🥳🚆
Follow us: ✅
Drop your @ below so we can grow our #SharedMobility conversation👇
#SharedMobility is a missing tool in the #climate fight that governments across the globe continue to underestimate. Shared mobility options are a billion-dollar industry and are poised to grow. Learn more:
Today took part in the launch of the Shared Mobility 2030 Action Agenda Network to make #SharedMobility more reliable, equitable, accessible and sustainable than driving a car within the decade.
But we can't do it alone. #SharedMobility2030
#Sharedmobility #SharedMobility2030
Concrete action & effective implementation are crucial. The #SharedMobility2030 action agenda keeps action and accountability at the forefront. We have 7 agenda items to get started on to decarbonize the transportation sector with #sharedmobility.
Join the network
#SharedMobility2030 #Sharedmobility #cop27
As #COP27 kicks off, we must keep shared mobility at the forefront of our #climate strategies. The transportation sector generates 30% of US carbon emissions. We cannot continue to underestimate, underfund and undervalue #SharedMobility
Learn more at
#cop27 #climate #Sharedmobility
Time for an #introduction.
Hi I’m Ed a blow in from #london living in #naarm #wurundjeri country (colonised as #melbourne #australia). Long time #energy geek, specialising in #battery #energystorage but now building out a 100% #renewablenergy #EV charging network with Evie Networks.
#cyclist , I haven’t owned a car since 2006, passionate about #publictransport #activetransport #Sharedmobility . Streets are for people not storing rapidly depreciating, rusting lumps of metal.
I speak English, French, German and Japanese and Italian at highly variable levels of proficiency.
#sake nerd, and I #homebrew occasionally.
#citrus orchard on my #Abbotsford roof. Mess around making #electronicmusic with #syntheizers
#自己紹介 エドと申します。#イギリス人ですけど #オーストラリア の #メルボルン で住んでいます。#日本酒 オタクです。
#Introduction #london #naarm #wurundjeri #melbourne #australia #energy #battery #energystorage #renewablenergy #ev #cyclist #publictransport #activetransport #Sharedmobility #sake #homebrew #citrus #Abbotsford #electronicmusic #syntheizers #自己紹介 #イギリス人ですけど #オーストラリア #メルボルン #日本酒