Jo Rhodes · @stuffjolikes
209 followers · 564 posts · Server

After several years of delays.. my Churchill travel fellowship is back on. Off to USA in Oct for 5 weeks visiting lots of mebanks schemes and more. Starting in Washington DC and around, then up the coast to Boston and New England, hopefully detour to Montreal for a mini break to see an old friend.. then on to Chicago and Austin. Planning on doing lots by train with an Amtrak pass so will have plenty of time to admire the views! Also doing some research and surveys with timebanks in other places and plan to pull all this into a report sometime next year. Would love to connect with folk on here doing something around and similar.

#ti #mutualaid #timebanking #SharingEconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

Jo Rhodes · @stuffjolikes
205 followers · 515 posts · Server

After several years of delays for and caring responsibilities, my is unexpectedly back on. Coming to in October to visit various schemes on and and maybe particularly interested in how they help in areas with and keeping older people active in vommunities. Sadly with and events think may prove remarkably useful for that sort of thing. Would love to connect with people doing things like or other type things while I'm out there.

#covid #churchilltravelfellowship #usa #timebank #eastcoast #newengland #canada #rural #CommunityResilience #ClimateChange #extremeweather #timebanks #repaircafe #foodwaste #communitycomposting #SharingEconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

Jo Rhodes · @stuffjolikes
205 followers · 510 posts · Server

Realise there is a lot of grim news at the minute around .. but just had a really interesting and inspiring meeting about some great projects in as part of a project. There is a bigger meeting on Thursday for towns involved for ideas sharing and aim is to connect groups with others doing similar stuff around and more

#ClimateChange #yorkshire #circulartowns #renewableenergy #food #growing #seedlibrary #repaircafe #SharingEconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

Vielen Menschen ohne allzu viel Arbeit eine Freude machen:

Mein Mann und ich pflegen ein öffentliches Bücherregal im Ort. Die Gemeinde hat uns bei der Anschaffung der Telefonzelle, in der sich das Regal befindet, und der Unterhaltung (Vandalismusreparaturen...) unterstützt.

#SharingEconomy #teilen

Last updated 1 year ago

Stephanie Jane · @StephanieJane
167 followers · 14 posts · Server

A new as I've moved instances ...

I'm a dwelling reader & currently living in England though I want to be in Scotland. I'm a and a member, a supporter of and a
I love , sharing 3 on My WorldReads ko-fi each week with another 2 reviews on my Stephanie Jane ko-fi
We live mostly and are . I want to do more to be and support initiatives like the

#Introduction #Narrowboat #bookreviewer #vegan #GreenParty #veganlandmovement #pigoneer #diversereads #worldreads #bookreviews #veganish #offgrid #carfree #plasticfree #degrowth #SharingEconomy

Last updated 2 years ago

subsomatic · @subsomatic
16 followers · 14 posts · Server

Sometimes I just put things and love and myself out into the world and never really know what will come of it. I never expect reciprocation but man, is it ever a beautiful feeling when receiving gifts in return.

I wasn't expecting anything in the mail and it was such a surprise opening these amazing handmade and locally sourced thoughtful gifts this afternoon.

So much love Katy and the rest of this community that is spread by distance but feels so close 💞

#gifteconomy #gift #giftradically #SharingEconomy #leaneconomy

Last updated 2 years ago

Henri · @henri
181 followers · 3081 posts · Server
Kathleen McGregor · @Kathleen
36 followers · 268 posts · Server

One could go so far as to call it the Joker theory of the administrative state: Capitalists sow chaos, without any particular plan for the “new normal” other than the ability to continually reassert their own dominance, while “opposition” dwindles to the feeble efforts of sequestering customers from the worst externalities and retroactively legalizing whatever it took to get there. Criminality is ret-conned into innovation.

#SharingEconomy #surveillanceCapitalists

Last updated 2 years ago