"Il 21 marzo ricorre #InternationalDayfortheEliminationofRacialDiscrimination.
Questa data è stata scelta per commemorare le vittime del massacro di #Sharpeville del 1960, in #Sudafrica, durante il quale almeno 69 manifestanti pacifici furono uccisi quando la polizia aprì il fuoco per disperdere una protesta non violenta contro il regime di #apartheid sudafricano.
Da oltre 75 anni, il popolo palestinese è sottoposto all'apartheid, uno strumento del progetto coloniale sionista volto a creare e mantenere la supremazia ebraica israeliana in Palestina, con l'obiettivo finale di sradicare gradualmente il popolo palestinese indigeno. ⬇2
#InternationalDayfortheEliminationofRacialDiscrimination #Sharpeville #sudafrica #apartheid
Today in Labor History March 21, 1960: South African police opened fire on peaceful black protesters, killing 69 and wounding 180 in the Sharpeville massacre. Many were shot in the back as they fled. Thousands had been out protesting the hated pass laws, when they decided to march on the police station. The town of Sharpeville had high unemployment and poverty. Its residents had been forcibly moved there from the neighboring town of Topville in 1958. Passbooks were used by the Apartheid regime to control the movement of black residents and to enforce segregation.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #apartheid #racism #SouthAfrica #Sharpeville #massacre
#workingclass #LaborHistory #apartheid #racism #southafrica #Sharpeville #massacre
Heute ist der Internationale #TagGegenRassismus. Er wurde 1966 von den Vereinten Nationen eingeführt, sechs Jahre nachdem in #Sharpeville 69 Menschen erschossen wurden, weil sie gegen rassistische Gesetze des #Apartheid-Regimes protestiert hatten.
#rassismustotet #InternationaleWochengegenRassismus #apartheid #Sharpeville #taggegenrassismus