#Sharrows - Radpiktogramme mit Pfeil - in Diskussion beim #Radvernetzungstreffen in #Linz
Achtung: Haben keinerlei rechtliche Relevanz. Farbe ist keine Radinfrastruktur, Sharrows schon gar nicht.
Input aus San Francisco: "Wir lagen falsch mit Sharrows"
#Sharrows #radvernetzungstreffen #Linz
Hmm... 🤔 You're right. Why should there even be sharrows? It can imply that No #sharrows means No #bikes allowed.
I'm more on comparing it with our bike lanes. Most are unprotected*. No barrier. Just paint. Supposedly to say that the lane is reserved* for #bicycles. But obstacles are common -- vehicles parking on it, people standing on it instead of the sidewalk, and such. So for me, sharrows are more sensible since no one cares anyway. Let's share it all.
#Sharrows #bikes #bicycles #sharetheroad
Just a few hours ago I found out about a... um... I guess it counts as a rally. But on #bicycles.
#MakatiCity has announced it will replace the protected* #bike lane on #AyalaAve with #sharrows (shared lane markings). Many people are outraged.
I'm not.
Too long to say here.
I'm joining Sunday's 🚲 even, not because I'm against what's happening to Ayala Ave per se, but more for the broader picture.
We need better bike infrastructure.
Not just band-aid solutions.
#bicycles #makaticity #bike #ayalaave #Sharrows #activetransport
#Sharrows basically exist so people can say they did something.
Sometimes, as in my town, they're implemented so badly that they seem designed to get cyclists killed.
@Bman and, obligatory, #Sharrows #SharrowsAreBullshit
#Sharrows #sharrowsarebullshit
#Sharrows are garbage
#Bikes #safety
A major proponent of #sharrows in the 90s says, “I was wrong.”
“Simply put, sharrows don’t do what we hoped they would. Studies back up that claim.”
https://www.peopleforbikes.org/news/we-were-wrong-about-sharrows #RoadDesign #TrafficEngineering
#Sharrows #roaddesign #trafficengineering
I agree with this: #Sharrows *can* be useful wayfinding, as in, "This here is the good bike route," but that's about it. And they're so often used on terrible bike routes that they can hardly even be trusted for that, at this point. #BikeTooter https://www.peopleforbikes.org/news/we-were-wrong-about-sharrows
@TheWarOnCars I hate sharrows and I hate the word sharrows, and now I hate myself for adding another sentence into world with the word “sharrows” in it. #sharrows
Alles ist vergänglich, die #Sharrows in der #Elbchausse nur etwas schneller.
@RadwegH @mastobikes_de
#AdamSomething via YouTube approvingly takes on bike infrastructure in #Leipzig, while also taking a moment to take a well justified shit on painted bike #sharrows and gutters. The pertinent question is always, "Would you allow a young child to cycle on this infrastructure?"
#adamsomething #leipzig #Sharrows #urbanism
Never forget, a 13-year study of a dozen cities found that protected bike-lanes led to a drastic decline in fatalities for all road users.
And painted bike-lanes? No safety improvement at all. As for sharrows, it’s safer to NOT have them.
Via @Streetsblog, read article linked below.
#bikelanes #bikes #cities #sharrows #infrastructure #urbanism #cars
#cars #urbanism #infrastructure #Sharrows #cities #bikes #bikelanes
Who wants to see a policy failure? #pdxbikes This bus carries maybe 10 kids per day about three miles max, and here it is empty, cutting through the neighborhood. #sharrows #ShareTheRoad
#pdxbikes #Sharrows #sharetheroad
Never forget, a 13-year study of a dozen cities found that protected bike-lanes led to a drastic decline in fatalities for ALL ROAD USERS. And painted bike-lanes? No safety improvement at all. As for sharrows, it’s safer to NOT have them. Via #StreetsblogUSA, read their article linked below. #bikelanes #bikes #cities #transportation #mobility #sharrows #infrastructure #urbanism
#urbanism #infrastructure #Sharrows #mobility #transportation #cities #bikes #bikelanes #streetsblogusa
There is no reason for us to maintain this lane for car traffic (drivers are already overly served by Barbur and the freeway), make it buses and bikes only so people don't have to deal with these bored and impatient amateurs. This shit was less than one car length behind me at nearly 30mph. Most days, I would have caught this guy behind 20 cars at the red light in a couple minutes...
#sharrows #sharing #TrafficEngineering #pdxbikes #InducedDemand
#Sharrows #sharing #trafficengineering #pdxbikes #induceddemand
There is no reason for us to maintain this lane for car traffic (drivers are already overly served by Barbur and the freeway), make it buses and bikes only so people don't have to deal with these bored and impatient amateurs. This shit was less than one car length behind me at nearly 30mph. Most days, I would have caught this guy behind 20 cars at the red light in a couple minutes...
#sharrows #sharing #TrafficEngineering #pdxbikes #InducedDemand
#Sharrows #sharing #trafficengineering #pdxbikes #induceddemand
#Sharrows is trending, so here’s a reminder that putting them on a busy multi-lane road like this is planning to fail.
Even IF this became a well-used bike route, that would mean the right lane would be full of bikes all the time and not useful to drivers. In that case, you could just replace it with a protected bike lane.
So keeping it open to cars can only benefit traffic flow if you EXPECT very few bikers to be brave enough to use it. Planning to fail. #bikesf #BikeTooter
Never forget, a 13-year study of a dozen cities found that protected bike-lanes led to a drastic decline in fatalities for ALL ROAD USERS. And painted bike-lanes? No safety improvement at all. As for sharrows, it’s safer to NOT have them. Via #StreetsblogUSA, read their article linked below. #bikelanes #bikes #cities #transportation #mobility #sharrows #infrastructure #urbanplanning
#urbanplanning #infrastructure #Sharrows #mobility #transportation #cities #bikes #bikelanes #streetsblogusa
Never forget, a 13-year study of a dozen cities found that protected bike-lanes led to a drastic decline in fatalities for ALL ROAD USERS. And painted bike-lanes? No safety improvement at all. As for sharrows, it’s safer to NOT have them. V/@StreetsblogUSA #bikelanes #bikes #cities #transportation #mobility #sharrows #infrastructure #urbanplanning
#urbanplanning #infrastructure #Sharrows #mobility #transportation #cities #bikes #bikelanes