A real-life (but much dumber) Andy Dufresne!
#StephenKing #ShawshankRedemption
2 Virginia inmates tunneled out of jail with a toothbrush and traveled 7 miles to go to IHOP, cops said
#stephenking #ShawshankRedemption
Realized tonight I've gone from "that's where I wanna run out my days; someplace warm with no memory" level in 2016 to "get busy living or get busy dying" level of #shawshankredemption. Friends, I'm getting busy living. Feels good.
Remember that hope is a good thing, Red, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.
#StephenKing (1947)
#RitaHayworthAndShawshankRedemption #ShawshankRedemption #HopeSpringsEternal #DifferentSeasons 1982
#differentseasons #hopespringseternal #ShawshankRedemption #ritahayworthandshawshankredemption #stephenking
How The Shawshank Redemption Humanizes Prisoners
This video is worth watching even if you haven't seen the movie, just be aware that there'll be spoilers.
#HumanRights #PrisonIndustrialComplex #Movie #ShawshankRedemption #Prisoners #MovieReview
#humanrights #prisonindustrialcomplex #movie #ShawshankRedemption #prisoners #moviereview
How The Shawshank Redemption Humanizes Prisoners
This video is worth watching even if you haven't seen the movie, just be aware that there'll be spoilers.
#HumanRights #PrisonIndustrialComplex #Movie #ShawshankRedemption #Prisoners #MovieReview
#humanrights #prisonindustrialcomplex #movie #ShawshankRedemption #prisoners #moviereview
Morgan Freeman from a scene in Shawshank Redemption. Acrylic painting on cardboard a bit bigger than a4
#morganfreeman #shawshank #ShawshankRedemption #stephenking #acrylicpainting #ScottishArtist #scotland #art #mastoart #portrait #portraitpainting #iconicmovies
Don’t know how many times I’ve watched #ShawshankRedemption but it gets to me every single time. A beautifully judged and beautifully performed movie.
#7filmstoknowme. In no particular order, except for the first one. #cinemaparadiso #shawshankredemption #whataboutbob #guardiansofthegalaxy #whitechicks #pulpfiction (really, any Tarantino movie) #lifeisbeautiful.
#7filmstoknowme #cinemaparadiso #ShawshankRedemption #whataboutbob #guardiansofthegalaxy #whitechicks #pulpfiction #lifeisbeautiful
1. #ShawshankRedemption
2. #TheGreatEscape
3. #SilentRunning
4. #Gattaca
5. #Excalibur
6. #Predator
7. #Armageddon (Yes... seriously! Sorry!)
#movies #film #armageddon #predator #excalibur #gattaca #SilentRunning #thegreatescape #ShawshankRedemption #7filmstoknowme
My absolute favorite.
The moment of triumph in this episode is one of the best in TV history. It alone makes #Andor rank above #TheMandalorian - because it doesn't so heavily rely on bacon-flavored sprinkles of nostalgia to enhance itself. #StarWars is just the background... yet it doesn't dismiss the source material in the same way many felt #LastJedi did.
This episode arc is like a miniature #ShawshankRedemption / #CoolHandLuke. #PowerDoesntPanic
#powerdoesntpanic #CoolHandLuke #ShawshankRedemption #lastjedi #starwars #themandalorian #andor
If there's a better movie than The Shawshank Redemption, I have yet to see it. #ShawshankRedemption #movies
@CattleBaron @greyknight33 @Draven she do a one time gift to her tax free?