Sekundengenau: Lieferdrohnen sind in Shenzhen Alltag
#China #Drohnen #Drohnenflug #Drohnenlieferung #Kiosk #Lebensmittel #Meituan #Navigation #Plattform #Shenzhen #Stadt #Transport #Wolkenkratzer #Zusteller
#China #Drohnen #drohnenflug #drohnenlieferung #Kiosk #Lebensmittel #meituan #Navigation #Plattform #Shenzhen #Stadt #transport #wolkenkratzer #Zusteller
"Mein Eistee kam vom Himmel": Wie weit #Shenzhen bei der #Lieferung per #Drohne ist
Interessanter Artikel. Man erfährt, wie die prinzipielle Logistik dahinter funktioniert, warum es am Land einfacher aber teurer ist, wie Behörden agieren und dass an eine Erlaubnis zum Sprechen mit Medien benötigt.
The Chinese Dream, Denied #HumanRightsandHumanRightsViolations #Demonstrations,ProtestsandRiots #FactoriesandManufacturing #Shutdowns(Institutional) #Coronavirus(2019-nCoV) #AlibabaGroupHoldingLtd #PoliticsandGovernment #HubeiProvince(China) #TencentHoldingsLtd #Guangzhou(China) #Shanghai(China) #Shenzhen(China) #LaborandJobs #DengXiaoping #Quarantines #LiKeqiang #MaoZedong #XiJinping #Textiles #China
#HumanRightsandHumanRightsViolations #Demonstrations #FactoriesandManufacturing #Shutdowns #Coronavirus #AlibabaGroupHoldingLtd #PoliticsandGovernment #HubeiProvince #TencentHoldingsLtd #Guangzhou #Shanghai #Shenzhen #LaborandJobs #DengXiaoping #Quarantines #LiKeqiang #MaoZedong #XiJinping #Textiles #China
China Protests Over ‘Zero Covid’ Follow Months of Economic Pain #CoronavirusRisksandSafetyConcerns #InternationalTradeandWorldMarket #Demonstrations,ProtestsandRiots #EconomicConditionsandTrends #Shutdowns(Institutional) #SichuanProvince(China) #Coronavirus(2019-nCoV) #Shanghai(China) #Shenzhen(China) #XiJinping #China
#CoronavirusRisksandSafetyConcerns #InternationalTradeandWorldMarket #Demonstrations #EconomicConditionsandTrends #Shutdowns #SichuanProvince #Coronavirus #Shanghai #Shenzhen #XiJinping #China
La via cinese, quella che ha tanti estimatori a sinistra anche in Europa:
Qui vedete diverse persone costrette a dormire per strada a #Shenzhen.
Non hanno il QR code che servirebbe per rientrare nel loro condominio perché il giorno prima non sono riuscite a fare un test #PCR.
RT @george_orwell3: 🇨🇳 Einige Chinesen mussten gestern in Shenzhen auf der Straße schlafen, weil sie einen PCR-Test verpasst hatten und ihre QR-Codes sie da…
No, non sono ex elettori del #pd in fuga dal #centrosinistra, ma lavoratori che scappano, per timore di un #lockdown con i folli metodi del regime cinese, dal #TencentBinhaiMansion di #Shenzhen - dove è stato trovato UN positivo al #COVID.
Ma da noi #Speranza pontifica in #Rai.
RT @george_orwell3: 🇨🇳 China
Shenzhen Tencent Binhai-Gebäude
Eine Person wurde positiv getestet und die Mitarbeiter fliehen schnell aus dem Gebäude, um ei…
#Pd #centrosinistra #lockdown #TencentBinhaiMansion #Shenzhen #COVID #Speranza #rai
RT @mcampomenosi: No, non sono ex elettori del #pd in fuga dal #centrosinistra, ma lavoratori che scappano, per timore di un #lockdown con i folli metodi del regime cinese, dal #TencentBinhaiMansion di #Shenzhen - dove è stato trovato UN positivo al #COVID.
Ma da noi #Speranza pontifica in #Rai.
#Pd #centrosinistra #lockdown #TencentBinhaiMansion #Shenzhen #COVID #Speranza #rai
Lockdown in Shenzhen with mass testing. This is how it looks like from Naomi Wu's perspective:
#COVID19 #lockdown #Shenzhen #NaomiWu
Lockdown in Shenzhen with mass testing. This is how it looks like from Naomi Wu's perspective:
#COVID19 #lockdown #Shenzhen #NaomiWu
Wouldn't it be cool to be able to take a high speed night #train from #Hamburg to #Shenzhen or from #London to #Kairo without having to pass a single border since mankind has abolished national states and has come together as one mankind?
#train #hamburg #Shenzhen #london #Kairo #NoNationsNoBorders #OneMankind
Wouldn't it be cool to be able to take a high speed night #train from #Hamburg to #Shenzhen or from #London to #Kairo without having to pass a single border since mankind has abolished national states and has come together as one mankind?
#train #hamburg #Shenzhen #london #Kairo #NoNationsNoBorders #OneMankind