Schützt euch vor Regen mit diesem wundervollen Regenschirm von #DetektivConan. Er hat einen Durchmesser von ca. 98 cm und er passt zusammengeklappt in jede Tasche.
#ConanEdogawa #ShinichiKudo #AnimeArt #AnimeLife #GeekLife #WeebLife #Merch #Merchandise
#detektivconan #ConanEdogawa #ShinichiKudo #animeart #animelife #geeklife #weeblife #merch #merchandise
Did another one of those sketches with #ShinichiKudo and his daughter. Like the first one the most but either way it’s fun to draw these scenes!
#detectiveconan #DetektivConan
#DetektivConan #detectiveconan #ShinichiKudo
Did another one of those sketches with #ShinichiKudo and his daughter. Like the first one the most but either way it’s fun to draw these scenes!
#detectiveconan #DetektivConan
#DetektivConan #detectiveconan #ShinichiKudo
Conan Edogawa from Detective Conan
I liked Conan but I definitely fell more for Shinichi Kudō.
From my #Inktober series, 2017. The series was made with coloured ink, I didn't even own watercolour back then.
#ConanEdogawa #EdogawaConan #ShinichiKudo #KudoShinichi #DetectiveConan #TraditionalArt #Art #MastoArt #ColouredInk #Ink
#ink #ColouredInk #MastoArt #art #TraditionalArt #detectiveconan #KudoShinichi #ShinichiKudo #EdogawaConan #ConanEdogawa #inktober