Gary Wong · @gtw
36 followers · 59 posts · Server

My computer is fixed! I'm sending this message with a >20 year old PS/2 keyboard and a brand spankin' new Raptor Lake CPU.

This thing is destined one day to become a computer... it'll still have the same hostname, and each of its components will have been replaced at least once. But it's not there yet...


Last updated 2 years ago

marazico · @marazico
37 followers · 495 posts · Server

When something unexpected happens and your past confronts you and you have to realize how much you have been focused on your idealized, hopeful future self only to stop feeling the pain you have suffered and caused. - But who am I now?


Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Hallbeck · @Chrishallbeck
5642 followers · 1146 posts · Server
lilcoppertop · @lilcoppertop
203 followers · 605 posts · Server

At this point I was almost expecting S. and Sola to just never meet again. Although I guess if you look at them as mirroring Jen and Eric, they'd HAVE to finally meet.

Also, I don't know why I didn't expect Sola to have been on board one of the other ships. She was obviously heavily involved in everything, based on the periodic sightings S. caught and the little bit Maelstrom could tell him about her. But I just hadn't made that assumption. It makes perfect sense, though, why she didn't seem alarmed when he got drugged and taken on board way back at the beginning of the book.

How did all of this start though? How did he originally get involved in everything? I've been wondering this whole time if maybe this was a fight he'd gotten tangentially involved in in his previous life, and made the decision to devote the rest of his life to it knowing the cost was forgetting his entire past (probably for the protection of loved ones). In which case it's too bad he can't at least know that this was in fact his choice. But of course, he would only have someone else's say-so that it was his choice. So what is that actually worth in his current state?

Will this ever get actually resolved? And does it count if the ending was of Filomela's choosing instead of Straka's?


#bookstodon #amreading #ShipOfTheseus #marginalia #dougdorst #JJAbrams #mystery

Last updated 2 years ago

fmc01 · @frankcat
34 followers · 917 posts · Server

@lolennui I now know why I was given a terminating (don’t come back) pass in philosophy at University. Science students were forced to do some humanities to “civilise” them but all it did was make our heads hurt. Then again Shrödinger’s cat experiment puts any philosophical conundrum to shame. And don’t get me started on charmed quarks.


Last updated 2 years ago

lilcoppertop · @lilcoppertop
155 followers · 436 posts · Server

I got . by and for Christmas, and have been attempting to read it ever since. I'm only on pg 39, and have had to reread already as I try to figure out my "plan of attack" so I actually get what's going on. The main text is a story called by fictitious author and tells the story of a man with amnesia who gets shanghaied (is that still an acceptable term for it? Probably not. I'm gonna have to look into that later, but if someone else corrects me in the comments before I make an edit, here's a pre-emptive THANK YOU!) and finds himself part of a mysterious crew where he is apparently known as "S".

In the is a conversation between two fictitious college students named Jen and Eric. They've so far never met, but converse via the margins of this book as well as random bits of paper they tuck between the pages. Most of their conversation revolves around solving the mystery of who VM Straka really is, but also some flirting and some comments on their own lives.

I'm having a bit of a hard time keeping both stories straight in my mind, so I think my plan is to read each chapter with the corresponding comments and bits of paper, then going back and rereading the chapter with JUST the text of Ship of Theseus. My brain is currently doing a GRAND job of keeping Eric and Jen's part of the story straight, so it's just the main text I need to revisit

Has anyone in the read this book yet? Any tips on how best to proceed? This is definitely an amazing experience, it's just a lot to take in at once!


#s #dougdorst #JJAbrams #ShipOfTheseus #vmstraka #margins #bookstodon #fediverse #book #amreading #marginalia

Last updated 2 years ago

lilcoppertop · @lilcoppertop
140 followers · 426 posts · Server

Effluvium: an unpleasant or harmful odor, secretion, or discharge.

"The tavern is a low brick building on the corner of two streets that must form the nexus of the city's stink, a powerful mixture of dead fish, low tide, and human, canine, and feline effluvia."

by ( by and )


#ShipOfTheseus #vmstraka #s #JJAbrams #dougdorst #vocabulary #amreading #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

lilcoppertop · @lilcoppertop
139 followers · 417 posts · Server

Best. Christmas. Ever.

My absolutely amazing husband, @Tetrapod, gave me House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski and S by JJ Abrams! I've already started S and am adoring the experience of reading a book FULL of marginalia, not to mention all the ephemera tucked into the pages!


#bookhaul #christmas #amreading #bookstodon #houseofleaves #ShipOfTheseus #marginalia

Last updated 2 years ago

David Morgan-Mar · @dmmaus
144 followers · 50 posts · Server

I just totally blew some kids' minds with the Ship of Theseus in my online class on Critical/Ethical Thinking. I teach 10-12 year olds and did a class today on teleportation, introducing the Ship as a parallel to the idea of creating copies and destroying the original. Kids were enthralled!

#ethics #criticalthinking #ShipOfTheseus #teaching

Last updated 2 years ago