#EliminatingWitness to #corruption: Biya’s allies #stiflefreespeech, including, one local #journalist told me, by manipulating ad placements; in recent years, #physicalthreats facing reporters have intensified, with the deaths of Zogo and Bébé following that of Samuel Wazizi, who died in custody.
#Assange, #Khashoggi, #BrunoPereira, #DomPhillips #RomanProtasevich #ShireenAbuAkleh #FredidRoman #ArshadSharif
#eliminatingwitness #corruption #stiflefreespeech #journalist #physicalthreats #assange #khashoggi #BrunoPereira #DomPhillips #romanprotasevich #ShireenAbuAkleh #FredidRoman #arshadsharif
#EliminatingWitness: #Assange, #Khashoggi, #BrunoPereira, #DomPhillips #RomanProtasevich #ShireenAbuAkleh #FredidRoman #ArshadSharif #coverup
#eliminatingwitness #assange #khashoggi #BrunoPereira #DomPhillips #romanprotasevich #ShireenAbuAkleh #FredidRoman #arshadsharif #coverup
Sen. Chris Van Hollen: State Dept Must Release Report on #ShireenAbuAkleh, Hold Killers Accountable
#ShireenAbuAkleh #JusticeForShireen
Pink Floyd star speaks out
Projects Frank's name in German towns
Comparisons arise
#rogerwaters #annefrank #pinkfloyd #georgefloyd #shireenabuakleh #haiku #poetry
#rogerwaters #annefrank #pinkfloyd #GeorgeFloyd #ShireenAbuAkleh #haiku #poetry
Two years on from the Batley Grammar School teacher being forced into hiding due to death threats, his MP @kimleadbeater still hasn't shared his fundraiser
Instead, here she is today, droning on about Palestine... Got to keep her voters happy, right?
RT @kimleadbeater: Today in Parliament I raised the urgent need for a thorough & independent investigation into the killing of #ShireenAbuAkleh last year. I met her brother Anton on my trip to #Palestine earlier this…
RT @hahauenstein
Die Ironie an der rechten Revolution in Israel/Palästina ist dass auch im dt.-sprachigen Raum mehr Beiträge sachlich berichten worüber 🇵🇸/🇮🇱 Zivilgesellschaft seit Jahren spricht. Etwa dieser so wichtige Beitrag von Nadja Odeh zum Mord an #ShireenAbuAkleh
Today Shireen Abu Akleh should be celebrating her 52nd birthday with her family and loved ones. But instead they are left mourning her absence a little over a year after she was assassinated last May by zionist occupation forces in Jenin, Palestine.
Lita Xú Líng Kelley joins Palestinians across Palestine and around the world in honoring her memory and demanding justice for Shireen and all of our martyrs. 🇵🇸
Photo : © Lita Xú Líng Kelley
5/20/2022 Boston for Palestine Vigil Honoring Shireen Abu Akleh & commemorating 74 years of Nakba
#ShireenAbuAkleh #FreePalestine #Palestine #aljazeera #journalism #photojournalism #Boston #journalist #apartheidIsrael
#ShireenAbuAkleh #freepalestine #palestine #aljazeera #journalism #photojournalism #boston #Journalist #apartheidisrael
RT @MoonMonira
Cette photo de l'attaque brutale des funérailles de #ShireenAbuAkleh (Maya Levin/AP) que nous ne pourrons jamais oublier, vient de remporter le prix @WorldPressPhoto pour l'Asie.
Portavoce di un deputato israeliano condivide il video “Perché dobbiamo eliminare #Hawara".
#22marzo #ShireenAbuAkleh #ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #IsraeliTerrorism #Israel #fascismo #razzismo #HumanRights #PACE #SanctionIsrael #Peace #NOwar #WestBank #Jerusalem #Gaza
#Hawara #22marzo #ShireenAbuAkleh #apartheidisrael #israelioccupation #IsraeliTerrorism #israel #fascismo #razzismo #humanrights #pace #SanctionIsrael #peace #nowar #westbank #jerusalem #gaza
"La guerra di #Israele contro i giornalisti palestinesi".
#22marzo #ShireenAbuAkleh #ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #Palestine #Israel #fascismo #razzismo #HumanRights #PACE #SanctionIsrael #WestBank #Jerusalem #Gaza
#journalismisnotacrime #israele #22marzo #ShireenAbuAkleh #apartheidisrael #israelioccupation #palestine #israel #fascismo #razzismo #humanrights #pace #SanctionIsrael #westbank #jerusalem #gaza
RT @edwinvantpad
'De onderste steen moet boven', aldus @AgnesMulderCDA in een debat over de moord op #ShireenAbuAkleh. Niemand werd berecht; de onschendbaarheid van Israel gaat in de Westerse diplomatie boven alles. The Guardian maakte deze aangrijpende reconstructie.
🇵🇸 Hommage à Ghoufran Warasneh,la jeune journaliste 🇵🇸tuée 3 semaines après #ShireenAbuAkleh une jeune reporter engagée, pleine d’avenir, qui marchait sur les traces de sa célèbre aînée, laquelle,quelques jours avant elle,connut la même fin l’icône d’Al Jazeera, #ShireenAbuAkleh
RT @rulajebreal
America’s closest ally 🇮🇱 got away with murdering an American citizen in cold blood: journalist #ShireenAbuAkleh.
An IDF sniper shot Shireen in the head, despite her wearing a press vest & a helmet…
Later, they assaulted & brutalized mourners carrying her coffin.
RT @aa_lareen: 10 months have passed and we are all still in denial! We will continue to fight and demand for justice🤍 #JusticeforShireenAbuAkleh #ShireenAbuAkleh
#JusticeforShireenAbuAkleh #ShireenAbuAkleh
L'8 marzo arriva quest'anno mentre le donne palestinesi stanno ancora soffrendo per l'escalation delle violazioni israeliane e delle pratiche razziste contro il popolo palestinese, oltre che per la divisione politica palestinese in corso che ostacola la promulgazione di leggi eque per le donne.
Per quanto riguarda l'occupazione israeliana, le Forze di occupazione israeliane (IOF) hanno preso di mira direttamente le donne palestinesi.
Secondo la documentazione del PCHR, lo scorso anno 9 donne sono state uccise dalle IOF, di cui 3 nella Striscia di #Gaza e 6 in Cisgiordania. Tra le donne uccise c'è la giornalista #ShireenAbuAkleh, colpita a morte dalle IOF mentre era in servizio. ⬇3
"It’s been 268 days since #ShireenAbuAkleh was targeted and shot by Israeli forces while on assignment for AlJazeera in Jenin, 268 days of absence that renders everything incomplete, except pain. #JusticeForShireen, always.
Painting by Mumen AlShayeb"
#JusticeForShireen #ShireenAbuAkleh
Today we remember Tom Hurndall, a peace activist & photojournalist murdered by Israel
Tom is 1 of 55 journalists killed by Israel since 2000 including #ShireenAbuAkleh
There should be #SanctionsOnIsrael for its targeting of journalists
#ShireenAbuAkleh #SanctionsOnIsrael
The PA health ministry says 12 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces since 1 JAN 2023; three were children. Last year, Israeli forces killed 171 Palestinians in the occupied WestBank, including AlJazeera’s #ShireenAbuAkleh, who was targeted and shot while on assignment.
As #ShireenAbuAkleh was carried to her final resting place by pallbearers, with her coffin wrapped in the Palestinian flag, dozens of Israeli police officers started punching and kicking the mourners, almost causing the mourners to drop the casket.