¿Impunidad? en el asesinato de la periodista Shireen Abu Akleh https://loquesomos.org/impunidad-en-el-asesinato-de-la-periodista-shireen-abu-akleh/ #JournalismIsNotACrime #ShireenAbuAqla #IsraeliCrimes
#IsraeliApartheid #FreePalestine #PalestinaLibre
#journalismisnotacrime #ShireenAbuAqla #israelicrimes #israeliapartheid #freepalestine #palestinalibre
The Apartheid State of #Israel fails to respect Human Rights + International Law. #US Empire fails to respect Human Rights + International Law. And the #EuropeanUnion is happy to turn a blind eye and call them "our like-minded partners"...
RT @jjz1600: Truly disgusting. After weeks of Israel’s lying, denying, & obfuscating, the US provides Israel w/additional cover by saying the murder of #ShireenAbuAqla was just “likely” an Israel…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/wallacemick/status/1544216163382607872
#Israel #US #EuropeanUnion #ShireenAbuAqla
RT @mazzettam
I talebani di #Israele inneggiano all'assassinio di #ShireenAbuAqla
#Palestina https://twitter.com/LailaAlarian/status/1530928719984054272
#palestina #ShireenAbuAqla #israele
RT @Bambos_MP: Humbling experience meeting #ShireenAbuAqla’s brother in East Jerusalem earlier today. Anton handed us a letter demanding international backing for an independent inquiry into Shireen’s killing and accountability measures. #justiceforshireenabuaqla
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Afzal4Gorton/status/1528796837347577857
#ShireenAbuAqla #justiceforshireenabuaqla
El asesinato de Shireen Abu Akleh fue premeditado http://loquesomos.org/el-asesinato-de-shireen-abu-akleh-fue-premeditado/ #JournalismIsNotACrime #ShireenAbuAqla #IsraeliCrimes
#IsraeliApartheid #FreePalestine #PalestinaLibre
#journalismisnotacrime #ShireenAbuAqla #israelicrimes #israeliapartheid #freepalestine #palestinalibre
Le meurtre de #ShireenAbuAqla ne peut rester impuni 🔴
J'ai appelé à une enquête internationale, devant le #ParlementEuropéen, pour établir la chaîne de responsabilité.
On ne cible pas les journalistes. On ne tue pas les civils.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MounirSatouri/status/1527665451764957185
#ShireenAbuAqla #ParlementEuropéen #FreePalestine
RT @GreensEFA: We condemn the killing of the Palestinian journalist #ShireenAbuAqla, the wounding of Ali Al Samoudi, and the attacks at the funeral by Israeli forces.
This killing constitutes a severe attack on #PressFreedom.
We call for an independent investigation.
📽️ MEP @jordisolef ⤵️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/DianaRibaGiner/status/1527289024959741954
We condemn the killing of the Palestinian journalist #ShireenAbuAqla, the wounding of Ali Al Samoudi, and the attacks at the funeral by Israeli forces.
This killing constitutes a severe attack on #PressFreedom.
We call for an independent investigation.
📽️ MEP @jordisolef ⤵️
RT @rubio_chef@twitter.com
@EnricoLetta@twitter.com @PBerizzi@twitter.com L’esperimento coloniale israeliano non indagherà sull'omicidio di #ShireenAbuAqla. L'esercito dice che l'indagine porterebbe a polemiche in Israele. È già finita l’empatia di facciata della settimana scorsa? #IsraeliCrimes
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rubio_chef/status/1527328823523434499
#israelicrimes #ShireenAbuAqla
RT @rubio_chef@twitter.com
@EnricoLetta@twitter.com @PBerizzi@twitter.com L’esperimento coloniale israeliano non indagherà sull'omicidio di #ShireenAbuAqla. L'esercito dice che l'indagine porterebbe a polemiche in Israele. È già finita l’empatia di facciata della settimana scorsa? #IsraeliCrimes
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rubio_chef/status/1527328823523434499
#israelicrimes #ShireenAbuAqla
RT @GreensEFA: We condemn the killing of the Palestinian journalist #ShireenAbuAqla, the wounding of Ali Al Samoudi, and the attacks at the funeral by Israeli forces.
This killing constitutes a severe attack on #PressFreedom.
We call for an independent investigation.
📽️ MEP @jordisolef ⤵️
#TuesdayColumn: When the Palestinian journalist #ShireenAbuAqla is shot dead by the #IDF, we're left to mourn not just her passing, but that Power keeps treating press credentials like bull's eyes. #politics #journalism #writing
When Noble Labours Reap Savage Rewards:
#tuesdaycolumn #ShireenAbuAqla #idf #politics #journalism #writing
Quelle honte 😡
RT @Vanneur@twitter.com
Israël a tout fait pour humilier la famille de #ShireenAbuAqla, la journaliste palestino-américaine abattue par Israël d'une balle dans la tête. Ils avaient la volonté de faire tomber son cercueil en frappant ses proches. Ignoble. Répugnant.
RT @BDSMadrid: #Palestina necesita protección internacional.
Las fuerzas de ocupación de #Israel atacan a las personas en el funeral de #ShireenAbuAqla.
La opresión israelí es tan bestia que ni siquiera permiten enterrar a la periodista asesinada
¿Para cuando las Sanciones @ONU_es?
#palestina #Israel #ShireenAbuAqla #Palestine
RT @BDSMadrid: #Palestina necesita protección internacional.
Las fuerzas de ocupación de #Israel atacan a las personas en el funeral de #ShireenAbuAqla.
La opresión israelí es tan bestia que ni siquiera permiten enterrar a la periodista asesinada
¿Para cuando las Sanciones @ONU_es?
#palestina #Israel #ShireenAbuAqla #Palestine
Sarà stato un innocente #cortocircuito d'après Mme #lamorgese dai!
v/ @ffortuzzi@twitter.com
RT @abierkhatib@twitter.com
Israeli police :
“no disciplinary action will be taken against police officers and fighters who took part in the funeral in Jerusalem", and "we will not let police officers be scapegoated"
Here’s the kind of justice under #ApartheidIsrael
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/abierkhatib/status/1525731522199822338
#ShireenAbuAqla #apartheidisrael #lamorgese #cortocircuito
RT @richimedhurst@twitter.com
This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/richimedhurst/status/1525490487297159169
RT @ipsc_derry
Events in #Derry today to protest the murder of #ShireenAbuAqla & to mark #Nakba74 #EndIsraeliApartheid #JusticeForShireen #BDS .@ipsc48
#Derry #ShireenAbuAqla #Nakba74 #endisraeliapartheid #JusticeForShireen #bds
v/ @_GreatUnwashed@twitter.com
RT @m7mdkurd@twitter.com
Our nation’s attention is directed at Shireen’s funeral. Meanwhile, busloads of Jewish settlers take over a building in Hebron. Watch this, it is almost unbelievable. https://twitter.com/khaliliguy/status/1525106986949410820
#ShireenAbuAqla #freepalestine #StopIsraeliOccupation #stopisraelimurders
"Eserciti che abbandonano insepolti i propri cadaveri sulle strade, le cariche della polizia sulla bara di una giornalista. Forse è davvero l'ultimo gradino, la violenza sui morti..."
#Guerra #violenza #ShireenAbuAqla #Ucraina️
#Ucraina️ #ShireenAbuAqla #violenza #guerra