Nobel Peace laureates join citizens' initiative to establish peace in conflict-hit Manipur
Amid efforts by the Centre to convince the Meitei and Kuki groups in Manipur to stop violence, two Nobel Peace laureates have joined a citizens' initiative to restore peace in the conflict-hit state.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #meiteis #kukis #NobelPeacePrize #NobelLaureates #ITPM #ShirinEbadi #JodyWilliams #BinalakshmiNepram #InternationalPeaceBureau #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #meiteis #kukis #nobelpeaceprize #nobellaureates #itpm #ShirinEbadi #jodywilliams #binalakshminepram #internationalpeacebureau #india
Living with a book over days and weeks builds a relationship with the author, her ideas and patterns, -- in the end the relationship continues, hopefully, and increases the perceptivity of the reader long after the last pages are visited. Which books call you back to their pages? #reading #books #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #writers #TananariveDue #ShirinEbadi
#ShirinEbadi #tananarivedue #writers #BlackFedi #BlackMastodon #books #reading
From *Iran Awakening* by Shirin Ebadi. #reading #BlackFedi #bookstodon #ShirinEbadi #philosophy
#philosophy #ShirinEbadi #bookstodon #BlackFedi #reading
"My father's championing of my independence,...instilled a confidence that İ never felt consciously, but later became to regard as my most valued inheritance." -- Shirin Ebadi, from *Iran Awakening*
#books #BlackMastodon #reading #ShirinEbadi @reading #inheritance #culture #BlackFedi
#BlackFedi #culture #inheritance #ShirinEbadi #reading #BlackMastodon #books
Honored to meet Nobel Peace Prize Laureate #ShirinEbadi.
Tomorrow the Parliament will vote on an urgent resolution on Iran, with special focus on the brutal poisoning of the brave school girls.
👉🏼 Today the debate takes place
#womenlifefreedom #irgc #terrorists
#ShirinEbadi #WomenLifeFreedom #IRGC #Terrorists
U @europarl_en smo obilježili Međunarodni dan žena s astronautkinjom @esa @AstroSamantha i iranskom dobitnicom Nobelove nagrade za mir #ShirinEbadi.
Sutra ćemo na #plenarnaEP glasovati o hitnoj rezoluciji kojom osuđujemo slučajeve teškog trovanja djevojčica u školama u Iranu.
Formidable émotion et standing ovation au Parlement européen en entendant le témoignage poignant de la prix nobel de la paix iranienne #ShirinEbadi sur la situation des femmes et des opposants au regime islamiste des Ayatollahs en ce #InternationalWomansDay #woman_life_freedom 💪
#ShirinEbadi #InternationalWomansDay #Woman_Life_Freedom
« The IRGC, based on the constitution of the Islamic republic of Iran, are tasked with protecting the regime. They are not the army, tasked to protect the people of Iran. Make sure the IRGC is named as a terrorist group! » #ShirinEbadi #WomenLifeFreedom #IRGCterorrists
#ShirinEbadi #WomenLifeFreedom #IRGCterorrists
#ShirinEbadi «I make this appeal, do not look away when the Iranian people call you. Do not sign any treaty with this regime. You have lifted the sanctions, signed the nuclear deal, but the money went elsewhere, it financed war, terror. It didn’t go to the people»#IWD #MahsaAmini
Une semaine après le #8mars, le parlement européen rend hommage aux femmes iraniennes et leurs soutiens qui paient de leur vie leur besoin irrépressible de #liberté.
RT @PDurandOfficiel: Formidable émotion et standing ovation au Parlement européen en entendant le témoignage poignant de la prix nobel de la paix iranienne #ShirinEbadi sur la situation des femmes et des opposants au regime islamiste des Ayatollahs en ce #InternationalWomansDay #woman_life_freedom 💪
#8mars #liberté #ShirinEbadi #InternationalWomansDay #Woman_Life_Freedom
#ShirinEbadi ist im Europaparlament! Welcome! Unser Herz ist bei den iranischen Frauen, unsere Seele ist bei allen, die für einen demokratischen und freien Iran kämpfen! #FreeIran2023 #WomenLifeFreedom #TheLeft #JinaAmini
#ShirinEbadi #FreeIran2023 #WomenLifeFreedom #TheLeft #jinaamini
Dziś, podczas sesji plenarnej #EPlenary PE @Europarl_PL uczci Międzynarodowy Dzień Kobiet. PE gościć będzie irańską laureatkę Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla #ShirinEbadi oraz pierwszą dowódczynię Międzynarodowej Stacji Kosmicznej Expedition 68 @AstroSamantha.
RT by @ShouraHashemi: Wer sind wir, dass wir über sie sprechen. Sie sollen selbst reden. Bin enorm froh, dass uns mutige Frauen wie @NasrinSotoudeh, #NargesMohammadi , #ShirinEbadi, @NazaninBoniadi, @AlinejadMasih u viele mehr für dieses Buch Interviews gaben.… @DuezenTekkal • Quelle:
Wer sind wir, dass wir über sie sprechen. Sie sollen selbst reden. Bin enorm froh, dass uns mutige Frauen wie @NasrinSotoudeh, #NargesMohammadi , #ShirinEbadi, @NazaninBoniadi, @AlinejadMasih u viele mehr für dieses Buch Interviews gaben.… @DuezenTekkal • Quelle:
Wir sind wir, dass wir über sie sprechen. Sie sollen selbst reden. Ich bin enorm froh, dass uns mutige Frauen wie @NasrinSotoudeh, #NargesMohammadi , #ShirinEbadi, @NazaninBoniadi, @AlinejadMasih u viele mehr für dieses Buch Interviews gaben. @DuezenTekkal • Quelle:
Fr Dr Ali Fathollah Nejad on Twitter - thread on Iran’s new resistance coalition announced NYE incldng: Crown Prince @PahlaviReza, women’s rights activist @AlinejadMasih, human-rights activist @LadiKhanom, actress/human-rights activist @NazaninBoniadi, actress/activist @Golshifteh, Nobel Peace Prize laureate #ShirinEbadi, fmr football star @alikarimi_ak8, activist @Esmaeilion, & @AbdullahMohtadi - Sec-General of @Komala_english Party of Iranian #Kurdistan
⚡️🇮🇷RSF has launched a new Iran Media Help Desk, in collaboration with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr #ShirinEbadi, to support journalists & media at risk and defend press freedom in #Iran, where protests in response to the death of #MahsaAmini continue.👇
#ShirinEbadi #iran #MahsaAmini
L’incontro in Fnsi, tra commozione e l’impegno di essere scorta mediatica alle rivolte in Iran ##proteste#amnestyinternational ##shirinebadi #Articoli #fnsi #iran
#iran #fnsi #articoli #ShirinEbadi #proteste