Die #Shitshow geht in eine neue Runde
Was für eine #Farce die politische Landschaft dieses Landes ist, das halt ich echt nicht aus.
RT @GrumpyoldGould@twitter.com
My 92 yr old mother is lying on the floor at Warwick Hospital in agony. No trolleys. My brother, a doctor, is with her & said it is an absolute #ShitShow. Is this what we've let happen???? #NHSisBroken #GTTO
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GrumpyoldGould/status/1608556486824964096
#Shitshow (no pun intended)
President Biden will speak with Chinese counterpart Xi on Friday.
The discussion will reportedly focus on “managing competition” amid the Ukraine crisis - WH
Via @RT