Changeling Players Kit
I've always been a fan of packs with character sheets and a bit more which is what this is. The big thing was the new Bunks (magic) one for each Kith (clan).
The problem was that we actually bought and used the Cantrip cards and there were no cards for these new Bunks.
#ttrpg #ShortReview #changeling #changelingthedreaming #wod #worldofdarkness
Changeling Cantrip Cards
These cards were to be used with Changeling the Dreaming one of the original World of Darkness games. They were part of how the magic system worked.
It was a fascinating concept and a really solid system that fit in really well with the setting. The cards were high quality, tarot sized, and gorgeous!
Sadly the entire thing was completely ruined by making it use randomly packaged collectible cards.
Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game – Pegasus Expansion
The first Expansion for BSG.
I loved having new characters to pick from, a new type of card, Cylon Leaders, and even liked the Pegasus board and what it added.
What I was never a fan of was the New Caprica board. It just made a long game longer, harder (for the humans), and more complicated.
#Boardgame #ShortReview #bsg #battlestargalactica
Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game – Exodus Expansion
This second expansion is one of the best as it adds the Cylon Fleet rules with the board that goes with it.
The new loyalty cards were also interesting but only if you've played the game A LOT!
The Ionian Nebula part I don't even remember. There's a chance I never even used that module.
HR3 - Celts Campaign Sourcebook for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition.
I loved these spatbooks!
New races, classes, weapons, setting information, and best of all totally new ways to play D&D.
I will admit I only read this one and didn't ever actually use any of the stuff in it but it was a fun read and I'm sure there was inspiration taken from here for my ongoing and future campaigns.
D&D Caves of Carnage
I LOVE the map tiles WotC put out for D&D 4e. I had the FLGS put aside two copies of each as they came out.
That said this set was so-so. Having caves is useful, but getting these tiles to match up and not look silly wasn't easy. They just didn't match up as well as others. Also trying to recreate actual, in module, maps exactly was pretty much impossible.
#ttrpg #ShortReview #DnD #dungeonsAndDragons #maps #dungeonmaps #dungeontiles
Battlestar Galactica The Board Game – Daybreak Expansion
By this point, BSG had so many different ways to play with so many optional rules and so many different card sets that I had basically given up on it. I mainly picked up this expansion because I'm a collector at heart and wanted a complete set.
I've never actually used anything in this box except to repackage the contents back into the original game box after getting a box insert.
Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game
This was my favourite game of all time for a long time until two bad experiences in a row where people wanted to roleplay the characters instead of playing the board game and it ruined it.
I still have fond memories and keep meaning to play again, but the playtime is long, and having it ruined after hours of play makes it not worth the risk.
#Boardgame #ShortReview #bsg #battlestargalactica #boardgames #BoardGameReview
Battle Sheep
This kids game from Blue Orange Games has a lot more going on than you would think.
It's a great, cutthroat abstract strategy game for up to four players (and best with 4). Start with one stack of sheep. Each turn split a stack and move all of the tiles you split in a straight line and drop them off. Do this to cover as much of the map as possible.
Still in my collection and still gets played by both the kids and adults.
#TTRPG #ShortReview Bullwinkle and Rocky Role Playing Party Game
Yes this is a real game and yes it comes with hand puppets, the plastic kind that make your hands sweaty in moments.
More of a board game than an RPG, it features One Upon a Time style card play and spinners with a rotating Narrator role.
Way before it's time and could have been a modern storygame based on the mechanics.
Amusing, but really only useful as a collectors item or one shot laugh.
#TTRPG #ShortReview - Bring Him Back Alive
This is where I remember Alderac Entertainment Group getting started. If this wasn't their first hit, it was at least where I first noticed the AEG name.
This was part of a series of D&D 3.0 adventures using the OGL presented in an odd half book format. They were short and dirt cheap but featured rather good writing and adventure design. Good for tossing into an existing campaign.
#ShortReview - Azul Crystal Mosaic
Very disappointed the overlays are not acrylic but rather are thin plastic-like most box inserts. That said they do work rather well even with some shifting.
New boards are great and very thinky. It's Azul leveled up. Though I wish they were asymmetric, not identical.
Won't all fit in the base box without tossing the insert which is actually good.