Ooh! So that's the button to put yourself in the vertical axis? Man, this alien tech is sure confusing.
#ShortStory #MicroFiction #Writing #Story #StoryTelling
🤔 Or is it just me, figuring out how to start my day?
#ShortStory #MicroFiction #writing #story #storytelling
In the grim darkness of the far future a brave Mechanicus explorator team discover a fascinating piece of archeotech.
Initially concerned that it might be a form of abominable intelligence their fears are soon assuaged by it's friendly but often simplistic and unhelpful advice.
As the investigation continues a schism forms within their party over whether Clippy, as the entity calls itself, is a primitive aspect of the Omnissiah or a manifestation of the ruinous powers.
Hilarity ensues.
#40k #WritingPrompt #ShortStory
"Its form is that of a paper clip, brother. A dark age of technology device for collating parchment."
#40k #WritingPrompt #ShortStory
The problems with #ShortStory submissions: Three rejections in two days. Two only an hour apart last night.
Thanks to the Chill Subs site, I am making major progress on Rejection Bingo.
Of the 3: Two were definitely personalized. One was a form rejection.
So, off I go to prepare where to send them next.
Poor Elanora from OnVine really wants to find a home!
Today I am working on adding some #ShortStory websites to my #Publishing lists.
Major problem: Black (or dark purple) website with white text.
Normally, I would ignore, as they cause eye burn, and a need for lots of eye drops in seconds! At least, I can copy the pages and drop them into Scrivener so I can see them without burning needle pain!
Positive: I have found the first publisher's website I have ever seen that offers an option to contact if their submission option is inaccessible for any reason (such as blind and uses a screenreader).
This is a fantastic prompt for a short story.
I can see all the imagery, hear all the sounds, feel the love.
#barbrastreisand #barrygibb #womaninlove #ShortStory
Just saw another #Writer advising how to reduce word count. #WriterTip
I don't have a problem reducing words. I have a problem making stories long enough to meet guidelines.
Which is why several of my pairs of novels are essentially strings of #ShortStories.
Trying to write a #ShortStory I can enjoy at the moment.
Struggling to get to the 1,000 word mark. It always is a struggle.
Generally, if I can get to 1,000 words, I can manage 1,500. These days, 2,000 seems a stretch.
And knowing I have written a few 85,000 - 90,000 word novels seems so far out of reach.
Maybe if I can get my brain working again.
#writer #writertip #ShortStories #ShortStory
On submission fonts:
I was unsure about one #ShortStory #Publisher.
Until I saw in the guidelines: A no-nonsense font such as Arial.
And yes, they listed a couple of others.
Thank you.
They made an inch of room for the visually disabled in their publication.
Now, I really want to find the perfect short story for them before the submission window closes.
Even if it is a token payment.
Submitting a story supports them to know writers appreciate their guidelines.
I am thinking about my #ScienceFiction #ShortStory Collection.
I published it a few years ago.
Do you think I could sell reprints to some science fiction magazines so that at least a few more people might see them?
#sciencefiction #ShortStory #WritingCommunity
What, #TombTuesday was trending on Mastodon? I didn't know it was a thing! Well, in that case...
Last year, I wrote a #ShortStory about a "Lios", a peculiar fortification in #Celtic #folklore.
#tombtuesday #ShortStory #celtic #folklore
Now that #BloodMoon and #LunarEclipse are trending, it's time to dig up a #ShortStory I wrote last year about the "Blue Moon".
Do you know what it is? It's the thirteenth full moon of the year—an anomaly! 🌕
#BloodMoon #lunareclipse #ShortStory