Daeno · @bluedles
190 followers · 138 posts · Server mastodon.lol

@judaism Encountered common on Reddit in spaces from a "conservative."

However, I'd like to instead focus on the story of Berel-Beyle, who left his as a woman named Beyle and came back and was accepted as a man named Berel. If early twentieth century rural Orthodox Jews can embrace , it's not too much to ask for modern day ones do the same.


#transphobia #jewish #Shtetl #trans #jews

Last updated 2 years ago

· @mem_somerville
241 followers · 199 posts · Server mastodon.social
MMR Nmd · @MMRnmd
533 followers · 9200 posts · Server todon.eu

Collage d'inspiration cabbalistique, enfin je suppose, pile en face de la synagogue de la rue Pavée, au milieu de ce qui fut le du jusqu'au début du 21ème.

#streetart #StreetExpression #paris #Shtetl #Marais

Last updated 2 years ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
356 followers · 11193 posts · Server todon.eu

(full documentary) | FRONTLINE

A search for the lives and memories of an entire Jewish village lost in the Holocaust. (Aired 1996)This journalism is made possible by viewers like you. Supp...


#frontline #documentary #film #Shtetl #shoah

Last updated 2 years ago