We're still #SickAndTired of all this #FuckingCold! Come by today for a #BreakfastSandwich before the cold consumes everything and we are #FrozenAsNothing and #LostToTime.
And you know how we feel about #FrozenBeef! Yuck!
#FrozenBeef #LostToTime #FrozenAsNothing #BreakfastSandwich #FuckingCold #SickAndTired
We here at #NihilistWendys are seriously fucking #SickAndTired of the damn cold already ❄️
Stop by today for some #HotAndFresh food before we all freeze and our frozen husks shatter into dust and are lost to memory 🔥
#NihilistWendys #SickAndTired #HotAndFresh
Опять днём ливануло: 40 мм осадков за полтора часа. Снова наводнённый город. #дождь #ливень #достало #rainfall #nasty #SickAndTired
Даже закат не предвещает прекращения осадков. Зато красиво!
#дождь #ливень #достало #rainfall #nasty #SickAndTired #photo #dusk #sunset #фото #сумерки #заря #закат