@hswapnil @LaurieTomlinson @jordy_bc
Yes and thank you for all those refs - will incorporate!
Thinking #SickDayRules for #CKD need a rethink!
More on #SickDayRules
And this one by @LaurieTomlinson herself
shows higher incidence rate ratio for gastroenteritis (IRR 43, compared with baseline) compared with LRTI and UTI s as risk of #AKI in new users of anti-hypertensives
No evidence of a difference in #AKI risk #RASi vs other agents for gastroenteritis or LRTI (interaction p >=0.78) weak evidence for UTI (interaction p=0.02; not robust in sensitivity analysis)
Reading about #SickDayRules and revisiting this very useful paper, thanks @LaurieTomlinson