Back on my bullshit this week -- got any questions regarding SIGIL & SHADOW? Need something clarified? Drop me a line and I'll answer on the blog.
LIVE @ 7:30 Central/8:30 Eastern --
The 2000 Tales crew will be running another session of SIGIL & SHADOW. Come watch the spooky fun!
#ttrpg #occult #horror #urbanfantasy #SigilAndShadow
Brainstorming a more randomized character creation procedure for Sigil & Shadow. Would love feedback.
We have a new record! Someone just informed me they ran their 29th session of an ongoing Sigil & Shadow campaign!
So happy to hear peeps are getting mileage out of my spooky little game!
#ttrpg #urbanfantasy #occulthorror #SigilAndShadow
Echoed Invocations Issue 0 is now also available on DTRPG.
This is the first issue of a supplemental zine for Sigil & Shadow! Tackling some errata, rules clarifications, and providing a bunch of quick-references for the game! It's like a "GM Screen" in booklet form!
#ttrpg #SigilAndShadow #horror #urbanfantasy
Coming next week...
Issue 0 will feature some clarifications, errata, and serve as sort of a "GM Screen in a Booklet" for Sigil & Shadow.
Already at work on Issue 1.
Hey all, I'm a #TTRPG enthusiast and content creator (on YouTube now but I used to co-host the Mud & Blood podcast). I'm mostly interested in dark & gritty games as well as solo, with some of my favourites games being (in no particular order):
#ttrpg #Coriolis #AlienRPG #BladeRunnerRPG #TalesFromTheLoop #symbaroum #deltagreen #NightsBlackAgents #MoSh #WFRP #electricbastionland #KULT #ironsworn #starforged #SigilAndShadow #bestleftburied
Last 5 #ttrpg #jdr I GMed
#CallOfCthulu - #AppelDeCthulhu
Next 5 RPGs I want to run
#ttrpg #jdr #CallOfCthulu #appeldecthulhu #monsteroftheweek #cthulhuhack #sombre #shadowrunanarchy #Trophy #BrindlewoodBay #CthulhuDark #UnknownArmies #SigilAndShadow
Last 5 played/GMed:
#Traveller (MgT2)
Hoping to play:
#ttrpg #5and5 #traveller #dungeoncrawlclassics #BasicFantasy #castlesandcrusades #ProwlersandParagons #SigilAndShadow #HeroesOfAdventure #NeonCityOverdrive #OldSchoolEssentials #SwordsoftheSerpentine
To help make connections name…
Last 5 #ttrpgs / #boardgames you played
Next 5 you really want to play!
Then, boost this post so others know to do the same!
_Last Five_
_Next Five_
#ttrpgs #boardgames #castlesandcrusades #Verdant #BasicFantasy #BlocByBlocUprising #cascadia #SigilAndShadow #Knave #WorldsWithoutNumber #HeroesOfAdventure #NeonCityOverdrive