Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
246 followers · 1779 posts · Server

Survey of Semiotics, Semiosis, Sign Relations • 4

C.S. Peirce defines “logic” as “formal semiotic”, using “formal” to distinguish the role of logic as a normative science, over and above the more descriptive study of signs in the wild and their antics at large. Understanding logic as Peirce understood it therefore requires a companionstudy of semiotics, semiosis, and sign relations.

This is a Survey of blog and wiki resources on the theory of signs, also known as “semeiotic” or “semiotics”, and the actions referred to as “semiosis” which transform signs among themselves in relation to their objects, all as based on C.S. Peirce's concept of triadic sign relations.

Please follow the above link for the full set of resources.
Articles and blog series on the core ideas are linked below.

Elements —

• Semeiotic ( )

• Sign Relations ( )

Sources —

C.S. Peirce • On the Definition of Logic

C.S. Peirce • Logic as Semiotic

C.S. Peirce • Objective Logic

Blog Series —

• Semeiotic ( )

#TriadicRelations #SignRelations #systemsofinterpretation #objectiveframeworks #interpretiveframeworks #RelationTheory #Semiosis #semiotics #Semeiotic #logicassemiotics #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
246 followers · 1777 posts · Server

Survey of Definition and Determination • 2

In the early 1990s, “in the middle of life's journey” as the saying goes, I returned to grad school in a systems engineering program with the idea of taking a more systems-theoretic approach to my development of Peircean themes, from signs and scientific inquiry to logic and information theory.

Two of the first questions calling for fresh examination were the closely related concepts of definition and determination, not only as Peirce used them in his logic and semiotics but as researchers in areas as diverse as computer science, cybernetics, physics, and systems sciences were finding themselves forced to reconsider the concepts in later years. That led me to collect a sample of texts where Peirce and a few other writers discuss the issues of definition and determination. There are copies of those selections at the following sites.

Collection Of Source Materials

Excerpts on Definition

Excerpts on Determination

What follows is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on Definition and Determination, with a focus on the part they play in Peirce's interlinked theories of signs, information, and inquiry. In classical logical traditions the concepts of definition and determination are closely related and their bond acquires all the more force when we view the overarching concept of constraint from an information-theoretic point of view, as Peirce did beginning in the 1860s.

#InquiryDrivenSystems #IntelligentSystems #cybernetics #ai #SignRelations #semiotics #inquiry #information #inference #DifferentialLogic #determination #definition #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
246 followers · 1773 posts · Server

Survey of Pragmatic Semiotic Information • 7

This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on a theory of information which grows out of pragmatic semiotic ideas. All my projects are exploratory in character but this line of inquiry is more open‑ended than most. The question is —

• What is information and how does it impact the spectrum of activities answering to the name of inquiry?

Setting out on what would become his lifelong quest to explore and explain the “Logic of Science”, C.S. Peirce pierced the veil of historical confusions obscuring the issue and fixed on what he called the “laws of information” as the key to solving the puzzle.

The first hints of the Information Revolution in our understanding of scientific inquiry may be traced to Peirce's lectures of 1865–1866 at Harvard University and the Lowell Institute. There Peirce took up “the puzzle of the validity of scientific inference” and claimed it was “entirely removed by a consideration of the laws of information”.

Fast forward to the present and I see the Big Question as follows. Having gone through the exercise of comparing and contrasting Peirce's theory of information, however much it yet remains in a rough‑hewn state, with Shannon's paradigm so pervasively informing the ongoing revolution in our understanding and use of information, I have reason to believe Peirce's idea is root and branch more general and has the potential, with due development, to resolve many mysteries still bedeviling our grasp of inference, information, and inquiry.

#pragmaticsemioticinformation #SignRelations #semiotics #pragmatism #informationtheory #scientificmethod #logicofscience #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
244 followers · 1767 posts · Server

Pragmatic Semiotic Information • Ψ

I remember it was back in ’76 when I began to notice a subtle shift of focus in the computer science journals I was reading, from discussing X to discussing “Information About X”, or \(X \to \mathrm{Info}(X)\) as I came to notate the transformation. I suppose that small arc of revolution had been building for years but it struck me as crossing a threshold to a more explicit, self‑conscious stage about that time.

#pragmaticsemioticinformation #SignRelations #semiotics #pragmatism #informationtheory #scientificmethod #logicofscience #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
227 followers · 1651 posts · Server

Systems of Interpretation • 1

Questions have arisen about the different styles of diagrams and figures used to represent triadic sign relations in Peircean semiotics. What do they mean? Which style is best? Among the most popular pictures some use geometric triangles while others use the three‑pronged graphs Peirce used in his logical graphs to represent triadic relations.

Diagrams and figures, like any signs, can serve to communicate the intended interpretants and thus to coordinate the conduct of interpreters toward the intended objects — but only in communities of interpretation where the conventions of interpretation are understood. Conventions of interpretation are by comparison far more difficult to communicate.

That brings us to the first question we have to ask about the possibility of communication in this area, namely, what conventions of interpretation are needed to make sense of these diagrams, figures, and graphs?

#visualization #TriadicRelations #SignRelations #systemsofinterpretation #objectiveframeworks #interpretiveframeworks #diagrammaticreasoning #Semiosis #semiotics #RelationTheory #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
226 followers · 1597 posts · Server

Survey of Inquiry Driven Systems • 5

This is a Survey of work in progress on Inquiry Driven Systems, material I plan to refine toward a systematic treatment of the subject.

An “inquiry driven system” is a system having among its state variables some representing its state of information with respect to various questions of interest, for example, its own state and the states of potential object systems. Thus it has a component of state tracing a trajectory though an “information state space”.

Please follow the above link for the full set of resources.
Articles treating the more central ideas are linked below.

Elements —

Prospects for Inquiry Driven Systems

Introduction to Inquiry Driven Systems

Background —

Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy

Functional Logic • Quantification Theory

Functional Logic • Higher Order Propositions

Developments —

Inquiry Driven Systems • Inquiry Fields

Inquiry Driven Systems • Inquiry Into Inquiry

Applications —

Conceptual Barriers to Creating Integrative Universities

Interpretation as Action • The Risk of Inquiry

An Architecture for Inquiry • Building Computer Platforms for Discovery

Exploring Research Data Interactively • Theme One : A Program of Inquiry

#dynamicsofinquiry #analogy #induction #deduction #abduction #systemsengineering #interpretation #SignRelations #semiotics #informationstatespace #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiry #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
227 followers · 1561 posts · Server

Survey of Animated Logical Graphs

This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on Logical Graphs, encompassing several families of graph-theoretic structures originally developed by Charles S. Peirce as graphical formal languages or visual styles of syntax amenable to interpretation for logical applications.

Please follow the above link for the full set of resources. A couple of beginning pieces are linked below.

Logical Graphs • Introduction

Logical Graphs • Formal Development

I've been thinking about ways to connect the species of logical graphs I've been developing out of Peirce's entitative and existential graphs with the styles of logical graphs envisioned in the RDF Surfaces group.

One thing arising out of those reflections was I began to tease apart two layers of structure, the one involved in conceiving and computing logical formulas and the other employed in displaying the end results.

At any rate, I'll explore that theme further as we go.

For now, the Survey page linked above will provide an overview of work already done.

#rdfsurfaces #rdf #w3c #semiotics #SignRelations #RelationTheory #logicassemiotics #PropositionalCalculus #lawsofform #spencerbrown #ExistentialGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
227 followers · 1560 posts · Server

Survey of Animated Logical Graphs

This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on Logical Graphs, encompassing
several families of graph-theoretic structures originally developed by
Charles S. Peirce as graphical formal languages or visual styles of
syntax amenable to interpretation for logical applications.

Please follow the link above for the full set of resources.
Here I'll just link to a couple of beginning pieces.

Logical Graphs • Introduction

Logical Graphs • Formal Development

I've been thinking about ways to connect the species of logical graphs
I've been developing out of Peirce's entitative and existential graphs
with the styles of logical graphs envisioned in the RDF Surfaces group.

One thing arising out of those reflections was I began to tease apart
two layers of structure, the one involved in conceiving and computing
logical formulas and the other employed in displaying the end results.

At any rate, I'll be exploring that theme as we go.

For now, the Survey page linked above will provide an overview of work already done.

#rdfsurfaces #rdf #w3c #semiotics #SignRelations #RelationTheory #logicassemiotics #PropositionalCalculus #lawsofform #spencerbrown #ExistentialGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
222 followers · 1527 posts · Server

Survey of Semiotics, Semiosis, Sign Relations

C.S. Peirce defines “logic” as “formal semiotic”, using “formal” to distinguish the role of logic as a normative science, over and above the more descriptive study of signs in the wild and their antics at large. Understanding logic as Peirce understood it therefore requires a companion study of semiotics, semiosis, and sign relations.

This is a Survey of resources on the theory of signs, variously known as “semeiotic” or “semiotics”, and the actions referred to as “semiosis” which transform signs among themselves in relation to their objects, all as based on C.S. Peirce's concept of triadic “sign relations”.

Please follow the above link for the full set of resources. I'll link just a sample of basics below.

Elements —
• Semeiotic ( )
• Sign Relations ( )

Sources —

C.S. Peirce • On the Definition of Logic

C.S. Peirce • Logic as Semiotic

C.S. Peirce • Objective Logic

Blog Series —

• Semeiotic ( )

#TriadicRelations #SignRelations #Semiosis #semiotics #RelationTheory #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
220 followers · 1488 posts · Server

Survey of Animated Logical Graphs

This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on Logical Graphs, encompassing several families of graph-theoretic structures originally developed by Charles S. Peirce as graphical formal languages or visual styles of syntax amenable to interpretation for logical applications.

#SignRelations #PropositionalCalculus #lawsofform #spencerbrown #semeiotics #semiotics #BooleanFunctions #booleanalgebra #Boole #ExistentialGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
184 followers · 1213 posts · Server


Hi Andrius,

At this point I could only recommend getting better acquainted with 's .

Here's a motley collection of resources from my own and related discussions over the years.

Omnibus Survey Page

, ,


#SignRelations #Semiosis #RelationTheory #webwork #semiotics #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
152 followers · 764 posts · Server

@mikefriedline @mattslocombe @cognition @cogsci @psychology

Q. What exactly is developing?

A. From a highly formal and point of view, what develops is a .

P.S. The basic idea is really as old as , with a few new twists by C.S. , who taught psychology could be an experimental science.

Some background —

#williamjames #aristotle #SignRelations #semeiotics #semiotics #Peirce #signrelation #semiotic

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
149 followers · 734 posts · Server


There's a motley assortment of resources linked on the following page.

Survey of , ,

#SignRelations #Semiosis #semiotics

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
142 followers · 663 posts · Server

In the Way of Inquiry • Obstacles 3

One way to test a supposed knowledge is to try to formulate it in such a way that it can be taught to other people. A related test, harder in some ways but easier in others, is to try to formalize it so completely that even a computer could go through the motions that are supposed to be definitive of its practice.

#SignRelations #semeiotics #semiotics #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
129 followers · 626 posts · Server

In the Way of Inquiry • Recircus

I must lie down where all the ladders start
In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart.

— W.B.

I have in mind circling back to a point in my project on Inquiry Driven Systems, namely the chapter addressing various Obstacles to the Project.

#SignRelations #semeiotics #semiotics #IntelligentSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiry #Peirce #yeats

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
129 followers · 614 posts · Server

• 1.1

Both types of sign-using systems, and , are prey to the same sort of dysfunction or functional disease — it sets in when users confound signs and objects so severely as to take signs for ends instead of means.

There is a vast literature on this topic, once you think to go looking for it. And it’s a perennial theme in fable and fiction.

#triadicity #SignRelations #semeiotics #semiotics #pragmatics #Peirce #communication #commerce #semiositis

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
129 followers · 613 posts · Server

• 1

There is a deep and pervasive between systems of and systems of , turning on their near-universal use of (images, media, proxies, signs, symbols, tokens, etc.) to stand for (objects, objective values, the things we really care about, or would really care about if we examined our values in practice thoroughly enough).

#triadicity #SignRelations #semeiotics #semiotics #pragmatics #Peirce #pragmata #symbola #communication #commerce #analogy #semiositis

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
128 followers · 599 posts · Server

• Discussion 4.2

As Esteban observes, our place-value systems of representation for integers and other numbers are relative to the basis chosen to generate the sequence of place values. The basis is, in effect, the key to the code. We may take this as a special case of a more general fact, one I summed up as follows.

Reference is relative to a frame of reference. In pragmatic semiotics, frames of reference are called ”.

#logic #SignRelations #ZerothLawOfSemiotics

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
126 followers · 589 posts · Server

• Discussion 4.1

Well the truth value can me true or false or something else — akin to \(5+5=12\) being a true statement, if one knows what base it involves, else it may be false. The same for \(4+4=10\) being a true statement, if one knows what base it involves.

Yes, reference is relative to a frame of reference. In pragmatic , frames of reference are called .


#allliarnoparadox #semeiotics #Peirce #logic #SignRelations #semiotics #ZerothLawOfSemiotics

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
123 followers · 563 posts · Server


Thus I was led me to collect a sample of texts where Peirce and a few other writers discuss the issues of definition and determination. There are copies of those selections at the following sites.

(See the blog page linked here.)


#logicofscience #SignRelations #semeiotics #semiotics #Peirce #InquiryDrivenSystems #IntelligentSystems #adaptivesystems #ai #surveypage #determination #definition

Last updated 2 years ago