@nomain @Natanox @Pabamiti @netzpolitik_feed @signalapp doch, und es bleibt dabe:
Allein dass #Signal mehr als Username & Passwort erfasst macht es unsafe!
Britain admits defeat in its controversial fight to break encryption.
Tech companies and privacy activists are claiming victory after an eleventh-hour concession by the British government.
The UK government has admitted that the technology needed to securely scan encrypted messages sent on Signal and WhatsApp doesn’t exist, weakening its controversial Online Safety Bill.
#UK #OnlineSafetyBill #OSB #Internet #WhatsApp #Signal #Encryption #Legal #Law
#law #legal #Encryption #Signal #WhatsApp #Internet #osb #OnlineSafetyBill #UK
The UK is poised to force a bad law on the Internet.
WhatsApp and Signal have threatened to shut down services in Britain if the Online Safety Bill includes restrictions that undermine encryption. The government is pushing it through anyway.
#UK #OnlineSafetyBill #OSB #Internet #WhatsApp #Signal #Encryption #Legal #Law
#law #legal #Encryption #Signal #WhatsApp #Internet #osb #OnlineSafetyBill #UK
#KnowledgeByte: '#Mayday' - The famous distress call
Mayday is an emergency procedure word used internationally as a #Distress #Signal in voice-procedure radio communications.
#Signal #Distress #MayDay #knowledgebyte
Een malafide app deed zich voor als chat-app #Signal en wist gebruikers en hun gesprekken te bespioneren. De ontdekking is bijzonder, aldus ESET-onderzoekers: dit is het eerste gedocumenteerde incident van succesvolle spionage van communicatie via Signal.
@5am also @signalapp is inherently #centralized and like all #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solutions can't be trusted!
I just don't have any evidence yet that they're an #ANØM-Style #Honeypot but I'd declare every LEA "criminally incompetent" if they didn't already #EncroChat themselves inside and put every phone # of every user on a watchlist.
Or does anyone think the CIA & NSA didn't find a successor operation to #MINERVA?
#Signal is signalling all the wrong vibes to me!
#Signal #minerva #EncroChat #honeypot #anom #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
#Geocaching #Signal has a lot of fun during our road trip in USA.
#geocaching #Signal #arizona #usa
#Geocaching #Signal has a lot of fun during our road trip in USA.
#geocaching #Signal #nevada #usa
#Geocaching #Signal has a lot of fun during our road trip in USA.
#geocaching #Signal #california #nevada #usa
@ilyess @gorky Nope. I had my #WhatsApp number exposed to a group chat without my permission (it caused some mayhem).
Also, people can add you to groups or “share” your phone number as a recommended contact.
#Signal & #Whatsapp tech do not reflect the new reality of spammers & trolls, so both are automatically disqualified for exposing phone numbers to the public.
#Telegram does not do this & has become the preferred chat app amongst friends & family.
@gorky @spaceraser @ChiaChatter I already had an incident where my phone number was exposed on #Whatsapp to numerous strangers.
If a company overlooks exposing my phone number to the public, why would I trust them to transmit my info‽
Until #Signal changes, I will not use it.
@spaceraser @ChiaChatter I loathe #Facebook messenger, but I use #Telegram over #Whatsapp & #Signal as the latter two expose your phone number (which is bad).
If I need a secure chat, I can just enable it on Telegram between whoever I chat with.
I like #Matrix but not everyone can handle 2 gigabyte transfers. Plus Telegram has auto transcribe of audio posts which is great.
#facebook #telegram #whatsapp #Signal #matrix
Was idly curious if that whole Signal cryptocurrency payment thing was still around and yes, apparently. I looked up the MobileCoin details, and stuff like this is a deterrent for ordinary folks: "If you need to send or receive a payment consisting of more than 16 inputs or outputs there is a coin cleanup fee."
#Cryptocurrency #Signal #Payments
#payments #Signal #Cryptocurrency
To everyone that bashes on #Signal for the lack of username support:
#Security #Messaging #Tech #Privacy #Signal
@fla @lyyn @Seirdy @neurovagrant
Now think about all the ways this can be subverted and compromized with neither recourse nor any warning towards the users.
Again, #Centralization is inherently bad, and everything that is a #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider "solution" will inevitably die.
That's why #XMPP & #IRC are alive and kicking whilst #AIM is dead and #ICQ is a #zombie.
#Discord and #Signal will also follow that path that :birdsite: :twitter: is walking ahead...
#Signal #Discord #zombie #icq #aim #IRC #XMPP #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralization