Today's random #Discogs choice Sigur Rós and Liminal Remixes RSD2018. An aural soundbath. Beautiful.
#nowplaying #music #SigurRos
#SigurRos #music #nowplaying #discogs
Today's random #Discogs choice Sigur Rós and Ný Batteri 12" 2000. One of their classic songs. What more can I say. I love it.
#nowplaying #music #SigurRos
#SigurRos #music #nowplaying #discogs
Listening to ÁTTA, the new #SigurRos album, is such a different experience from past albums. This is a slow burner, with headphones and repeated listens required. What I’m reading or thinking about or what the weather is at the time seems to affect how I’m hearing it. And the absence of a drummer - what was once such a vital part of the Sigur Ros sound - is both sad and beautiful.
Listening to the new #SigurRos album and keep thinking every song is way too short. The album is just under an hour long though, so I think my brain has just been skewed by all the 20-70 minute long doom songs I tend to listen to...
First #SigurRos album in 10 years dropping at midnight tonight!!!
Figured out the cable issues for my first pair of IEM #headphones, and now #SigurRos albums that I’ve listened to for 20 years are blowing my mind all over again. IEMs are definitely where it’s at.
@flockofnazguls My #GreatAlbumRuns entries, continued:
#AFI - Answer That and Stay Fashionable, Very Proud of Ya, Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes, Black Sails in the Sunset, The Art of Drowning
#AliceInChains - Facelift, Dirt, Alice in Chains
#EmmaRuthRundle - Some Heavy Ocean, Marked for Death, On Dark Horses
#Fugazi - (entire discography)
#mewithoutYou - A to B Life, Catch for Us the Foxes, Brother Sister
#PearlJam - Ten, Vs., Vitalogy
#SigurRos - Von, Ágætis Byrjun, ( )
#aliceinchains #SigurRos #pearljam #mewithoutyou #fugazi #EmmaRuthRundle #afi #greatalbumruns
Picked up the limited edition vinyl of ( ) (also called Untitled) from #SigurRós and got a free handbound notebook which is beautiful.
Great start to my Saturday.
#7AlbumsToKnowMe (well, 12, because the full list is more like 60 and 7 is impossible), in autobiographical order
1. #FiveIronFrenzy - Upbeats And Beatdowns
2. #mewithoutYou - [A→B] Life
3. #AFI - Black Sails In The Sunset
4. #SigurRós - Von
5. #Björk - Medúlla
6. #PhilipGlass - Satyagraha
7. #PearlJam - MTV Unplugged
8. #DavidBowie - ★
9. #NickCave & The Bad Seeds - Push The Sky Away
10. #MikkoJoensuu - Amen 3
11. #JóhannJóhannsson - IBM 1401, A User's Manual
12. #YOB - Our Raw Heart
#yob #johannjohannsson #mikkojoensuu #nickcave #davidbowie #pearljam #philipglass #bjork #SigurRos #afi #mewithoutyou #fiveironfrenzy #7albumstoknowme
Another hashtags as #introduction dump just for my fave bands, because I'm obsessed with music. Not really obvious from list below, but I gravitate to #extrememetal or at least metal-adjacent stuff.
My top 15 bands/musicians/composers: #YOB (#MikeScheidt) #mewithoutYou #AliceInChains #TheAppleseedCast #EmmaRuthRundle #RonnieJamesDio #Björk #LinguaIgnota (#KristinHayter) #AnnaVonHausswolff #JóhannJóhannsson #PhilipGlass #DavidBowie #SigurRós #ElliottSmith #JoyDivision
#joydivision #elliottsmith #SigurRos #davidbowie #philipglass #johannjohannsson #annavonhausswolff #kristinhayter #LinguaIgnota #bjork #ronniejamesdio #EmmaRuthRundle #theappleseedcast #aliceinchains #mewithoutyou #mikescheidt #yob #extrememetal #introduction
Today's random #Discogs choice Jonsi & Alex Somers and Riceboy Sleeps 2019 signed reissue. Mega soundbath! I also saw this performed at The Barbican, which was amazing. And that little book is the most expensive book I own.
#nowplaying #music #jonsiandalexsomers #SigurRos
#SigurRos #jonsiandalexsomers #music #nowplaying #discogs
Today's random #Discogs choice Sigur Rós and Liminal Remixes RSD2018. If you need music to send you off into a medative state. This is it. Possibly one of my favourite Sigur Rós releases.
#nowplaying #music #SigurRos
#SigurRos #music #nowplaying #discogs
Esta serie de videos de #SigurRós siempre me han parecido hermosos. Fjögur píanó: y "Valtari" mi favorito, una de las cosas más maravillosas:
Esta serie de videos de #SigurRós siempre me han parecido hermosos. Fjögur píanó: y "Valtari" mi favorito, una de las cosas más maravillosas:
Time to once again listen to #SigurRos because I'm running out of juice and ( ) is gonna pump me up and no I can't say it makes any sense either
Sigur Ros is one of those bands that put out 1 album that is, to me, a timeless classic, and a bunch of other stuff I could never get into.
The album is, of course, ( )
Sigur Ros is one of those bands that put out 1 album that is, to me, a timeless classic, and a bunch of other stuff I could never get into.
The album is, of course, ( )