@mcoorlim Nice plan!
To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
:tardis: #DoctorWho
:trekbadgetng: #StarTrek
(And #StarWars #Stargate #StarTalk #Stars, you get the picture)
:triforce: #LegendOfZelda
:Trogdor: #DungeonsAndDragons (#DnD)
Outdated, but I also led a #SpiralScout troop and taught #Silat (and earned my red sash.)
#Silat #SpiralScout #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #legendofzelda #stars #startalk #stargate #starwars #startrek #doctorwho
@Raiderbw Seven things I am into:
#LegendOfZelda :triforce:
#DoctorWho : :tardis:
#DungeonsAndDragons :Trogdor:
#Comics :SpiderJumping: (Especially #Marvel :Marvel: You know, #HorizonLabs and #DrunkPete)
Geeky shows (#Firefly #StarWars #StarTrek :trekbadgetng: )
#Silat (Pentjak Silat Pekoelan Tjimande Batin) :Batleth:
#Parenting - I have three awesome daughters, which they get from their awesome mother, (my wife.)
#parenting #Silat #startrek #starwars #firefly #drunkpete #horizonlabs #marvel #comics #dungeonsanddragons #doctorwho #legendofzelda