RT from Sylvain Lefebvre (@sylefeb)
If your are in Barcelona too, please stop by the poster session. Happy to talk about Iron, #Silice, @risc_v and #fpga. (Room MR 7+8).
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/sylefeb/status/1666332849685815297
#riscvsummiteurope #fpga #Silice
RT from Sylvain Lefebvre (@sylefeb)
Q5K: Quake level viewer in 5K LUTs on a low cost, low power ice40 up5k #fpga! Custom #GPU, @risc_v CPU and SOC, capable of rendering #Quake's level with lightmaps.
How? Thread 👇
(Written in #Silice, here running on the #mch2022 badge fpga)
[Video embedded in original tweet]
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/sylefeb/status/1564758778830065666
#fpga #gpu #quake #Silice #MCH2022