ϺΛDИVTTΛH :fosstodon: · @madnuttah
155 followers · 1286 posts · Server fosstodon.org

There was my favorite (non-german) on sale! Viña Sol from in , . torres.es/en :ablobcathappypaws:

I don't like that much for being such a bad drug but if I drink a glass occasionally when we have visitors, it must be a decent one. Other than that I just like white wines, in particular.

#wine #torres #winery #catalunia #spain #alcohol #Silvaner #vinasol

Last updated 2 years ago

ϺΛDИVTTΛH :fosstodon: · @madnuttah
146 followers · 1218 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I get even better in making ! In the meantime I have made a yummy mustard with my favorite , a very nice variant and one which tastes literally as it was made by a pro, a pretty simple yellow mustard with brown mustard grains.

Anyway, I'll order some deoiled mustard powder to make a mild one for my family, they alweays complain about the hotness which I like. 🔥

#diy #mustard #wine #Silvaner #garlic #homemade #senf #mostrich

Last updated 2 years ago

Mathias · @mathias
49 followers · 111 posts · Server darmstadt.social

Lieblingswinzer wagner-wein.de/ hat mich eben gebeten die leeren Flaschen beim nächsten Einkauf zurückzubringen, damit er sie wiederverwenden kann. Avec Plaisier! in

#Silvaner #mehrweg

Last updated 2 years ago