#Palmoil #Deforestation occurs against a background of #crime and #corruption as exposed in the #PanamaPapers
Brands like #ColgatePalmolive, #Danone #Reckitt #Nestle #SimeDarby and many others
buy tainted #palmoil while lying to consumers it is "sustainable". This is why we #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife https://palmoildetectives.com/2022/06/26/treespiracy/ via
#palmoil #deforestation #crime #Corruption #panamapapers #ColgatePalmolive #Danone #Reckitt #nestle #SimeDarby #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
Just so you are aware - "sustainable" #palmoil is akin to "clean coal" it does not exist, it is #greenwashing. Food giants #SimeDarby, #Nestle, #Cargill, Adani #Wilmar are #RSPO members, yet they buy "sustainable" #palmoil linked to #humanrights abuses and #landgrabbing in #Guatemala. Resist and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #RT2022 visit the website to learn more https://palmoildetectives.com/2022/11/28/spoiled-fruit-land-grabbing-violence-and-slavery-for-sustainable-palm-oil/ via @palmoildetectives
#palmoil #greenwashing #SimeDarby #nestle #cargill #Wilmar #RSPO #humanrights #Landgrabbing #guatemala #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife #RT2022