Been watching the old BBC documentary series, Simon Schama's The Power of Art (2006) today on Daily Motion (thankfully ad-free on the Firestick, unlike youtube with it's constant irritation) and I'd forgotten episode 6 has Andy Serkis as Vincent Van.Gogh.
#SimonSchama #VanGogh #art # artists #AndySerkis
#SimonSchama #vangogh #art #andyserkis
Gave up looking for a BBC drama and instead watched Simon Schama and his History of Now. I'm very glad I did - found it excellent.
#historyofnow #SimonSchama #bbc
''On the gallery walls surrounding the piece Ai pinned lists of names — thousands of them — of the dead, marked in memory despite the best efforts of Chinese officialdom to consign them to oblivion. “Straight” is the “Guernica” of our young, bloodied century, and no textual history could possibly recover, as this masterpiece does, the enormous weight of the event’s catastrophe.'
I am so pleased to learn that #SimonSchama's "championing of dissent and freedom over repression and mendacity is correct and admirable."
Can you see where this is going?