"Sumner Redstone: book reveals media mogul’s ‘astonishing saga of sex, lies and betrayal’ - Now a new account of the career of media mogul Sumner Redstone, who died in 2020 at the age of 97, reveals just how awful, shocking and abusive that culture was at one of America’s biggest media empires.
It paints a fresh picture of a corporate culture that believed that so long as the stock went up, and complex C-suite power games were in play, there was no compelling reason to place checks on the appetites of those whose need for control spanned institutional and sexual power."
#Capitalism #CorporatePower #Discrimination #MeToo #SumnerRedstone #Viacom #Paramount #CBS #MTV #ComedyCentral #Nickelodeon #SimonandSchuster #Abuse #Media
#capitalism #corporatePower #discrimination #metoo #sumnerredstone #viacom #paramount #cbs #mtv #comedycentral #nickelodeon #SimonandSchuster #abuse #media
...It’s astounding that two, once respected literary institutions like #SkyhorsePublishing and #SimonAndSchuster would be major role-players in providing such insane rubbish!
DO NOT BUY ..2/3
#skyhorsepublishing #SimonandSchuster
This was my very first #sapphic #romance. It did NOT disappoint.
One girl can’t keep a girlfriend while another can’t get the confidence to try. They team up to help one another and a whole lot of shenanigans happen.
This dual POV book isn’t just a cute romance. It touches on heavy subjects like addiction, cultural shame due to white supremacy, and identity outside of one’s family.
LOVE that the authors are an IRL couple!
#bookstodon #amreading #asianauthor #AsianAmerican #simonandschuster
#sapphic #romance #bookstodon #amreading #asianauthor #AsianAmerican #SimonandSchuster
Move over JRR, there’s a new trilogy in town!
It’s official – there’s now going to be a THIRD book in the Blazing Bottom series. “The Princess with the Blazing Bottom” comes out in the UK next April 😊
The cover is still under wraps but it’s lovely to be able to start posting images from the inside pages after sitting on the news for the last 16 months.
#PictureBook #KidLit #ChildrensBook #BookToot #SimonAndSchuster
#picturebook #kidlit #childrensbook #BookToot #SimonandSchuster
Picture book process: From rough, to artwork, to scanned art, to final printed page.
#TheDragonWithTheBlazingBottom #SimonAndSchuster #PictureBook #KidLitArt #Illustration #KidLit
#kidlitart #kidlit #thedragonwiththeblazingbottom #SimonandSchuster #picturebook #illustration
The end of a long week. Heading home for pizza and football.
#KidLitArt #PictureBooks #TheDragonWithTheBlazingBottom #SimonAndSchuster
#kidlitart #picturebooks #thedragonwiththeblazingbottom #SimonandSchuster
Self-publishing News: Congratulations to Clare Flynn, RNA Indie Champion of the Year https://selfpublishingadvice.org/self-publishing-news-congratulations-to-clare-flynn-rna-indie-champion-of-the-year/ #RomanticNovelists'Association #PenguinRandomHouse #SimonandSchuster #indiechampion #LatestNews #ClareFlynn
#romanticnovelists #penguinrandomhouse #SimonandSchuster #indiechampion #latestnews #ClareFlynn
Just some of the major #publishing companies that collaborated with the #CIA & other u.s. intelligence agencies: #praeger, #wiley, #scribner, #ballantine, #putnam, #SimonAndSchuster, #RandomHouse, #HarperCollins, & who knows how many more. All documented: https://archive.ph/vLv9s
#publishing #cia #praeger #wiley #scribner #ballantine #putnam #SimonandSchuster #RandomHouse #harpercollins
Shitty Men In Media by Moira Donegan; crowdsourced
Topics #shittymeninmedia, #shittymediamen, #abusers, #abuse, #misogyny, #patriarchy, #columbiauniversity, #theparisreview, #thenewrepublic, #newyorkmagazine, #londonreviewofbooks, #nymag, #lrb, #harpersmagazine, #harpers, #nplus1magazine, #nplus1, #riverheadbooks, #thebaffler, #thenation, #losangelestimes, #latimes, #thenewyorker, #powellsbooks, #tinhouse, #versobooks, #verso, #wendyssubway, #mcnallyjackson, #bleacherreport, #thetrumpscorecard, #gq, #condénast, #vocativ, #vicesports, #vicemedia, #fsg, #farrarstrausandgiroux, #kissingsuzykolber, #cnbc, #wallstreetjournal, #wsj, #breitbart, #valleywag, #wiredmagazine, #guernica, #brooklynpubliclibrary, #medium, #villagevoice, #fastcompany, #thebatsegundoshow, #batsegundo, #thehuffingtonpost, #huffpo, #politico, #deadspin, #newyorktimes, #nyt, #aeon, #simonandschuster, #harpercollins, #esquire, #gawker, #theintercept, #techcrunch, #buzzfeed, #grantland, #ratter, #quartz, #penguinyoungreaders, #philomel, #fivethirtyeight, #theguardian, #rollingstone, #dailydot, #thedailydot, #macmillan, #motherjones, #pitchfork, #chicagoreader, #nationalgeographic, #slate, #slatemagazine, #mic, #cbs, #cracked, #electronicbeats, #thedailyshow, #euromoney, #nomadcinema, #newyorkmedia
#shittymeninmedia #shittymediamen #abusers #abuse #misogyny #patriarchy #columbiauniversity #theparisreview #thenewrepublic #newyorkmagazine #londonreviewofbooks #nymag #LRB #harpersmagazine #harpers #nplus1magazine #nplus1 #riverheadbooks #thebaffler #thenation #losangelestimes #latimes #thenewyorker #powellsbooks #tinhouse #versobooks #verso #wendyssubway #mcnallyjackson #bleacherreport #thetrumpscorecard #gq #condénast #vocativ #vicesports #vicemedia #fsg #farrarstrausandgiroux #kissingsuzykolber #cnbc #wallstreetjournal #wsj #breitbart #valleywag #wiredmagazine #guernica #brooklynpubliclibrary #medium #villagevoice #fastcompany #thebatsegundoshow #batsegundo #thehuffingtonpost #huffpo #politico #deadspin #newyorktimes #nyt #aeon #SimonandSchuster #harpercollins #esquire #gawker #theintercept #techcrunch #buzzfeed #grantland #ratter #quartz #penguinyoungreaders #philomel #fivethirtyeight #theguardian #rollingstone #dailydot #thedailydot #macmillan #motherjones #pitchfork #chicagoreader #nationalgeographic #slate #slatemagazine #mic #cbs #cracked #ElectronicBeats #thedailyshow #euromoney #nomadcinema #newyorkmedia
Self-publishing News: Audiblegate Ongoing https://selfpublishingadvice.org/news-audiblegate/ #Self-PublishingNews #PenguineRandomHouse #SimonandSchuster #Bookshop.org #audiblegate #BookExpo #bookbeat #Storytel #Audible #ACX
#self #PenguineRandomHouse #SimonandSchuster #Bookshop #audiblegate #bookexpo #bookbeat #storytel #audible #acx