#RPGaDay2023 Day 25: Unplayed #RPG you own.
Limiting this just to print RPGs (because I have enough in PDF from various bundles to cause a shortage in flash drives if I were to download them all!) the most recent will be #DiceyTales (a Kickstarter campaign). There’s also #AGON (bought after playing #DeathmatchIsland at #7HillsRPGConvention), then #OpenQuest/ #SimpleQuest. That’s just the ones bought this year 😂 #TTRPG
#rpgaday2023 #rpg #diceytales #agon #deathmatchisland #7hillsrpgconvention #openquest #Simplequest #ttrpg
Been a busy couple of weeks quietly writing away and doing fulfilment for not one but two books!
For those who are interested, #SimpleQuest (concise D100 fantasy game) and #RebootTheFuture are now generally available.
Get the lovely printed version (sown pages, ribbons, colour plates) from my web store :)
Reboot the Future
Time to lie down in a darkened room again. The printed copies of #SimpleQuest turned up a full week early from the printers. Look ribbon, full-coloured art, wraparound cover, and colour endpapers.
Now got to sort out collecting postage from backers who are due a copy, and explain to my wife why there is a big pile of boxes in the hall :D
Just spotted that #Chaosium's #BasicRolePlaying gold book is now available in POD (softback) on DriveThruRPG. I already have @Newt_Newport's #OpenQuest and #SimpleQuest (but will admit to not having done more than glance through them yet). Is BRP worth adding to my library?
#chaosium #BasicRoleplaying #openquest #Simplequest
Getting both #SimpleQuest and #RebootTheFutureRPG off to the fine folks at 4 Edge Printing reminds me how much I like working with them compared to POD. Plus resulting books are awesome too :) There will be a small amount of the resulting books left once backers get their copies :)
#Simplequest #rebootthefuturerpg
I awake this morning and realised what an exciting time it is here at D101. Both #SimpleQuest and #RebootTheFuture are about to go on general release (after backers get their copies). Then in just over a month's time #BeyondDreadPortals goes to Kickstarter on Sunday 2nd, April :)
I'm a bit overexcited about all this. Especially the countdown to @TheTweedmeister Beyond Dread Portals. Expect all sorts of previews :)
Here's me and Mitch having a chat about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3u1BFw9wfg
#Simplequest #rebootthefuture #BeyondDreadPortals
Finally getting some time to work on D101 stuff today in the midst of childcare over half-term and household chores, And what a lovely day it is! A quick dip into #SimpleQuest and #RebootTheFutureRPG stuff to get the final signed and sent versions out to backers. Then a nice afternoon of sorting out Under Dark Spires for #CryptsAndThings :)
#Simplequest #rebootthefuturerpg #cryptsandthings
With four pages to fill for the Signed and Sent version of #SimpleQuest, I wrote a quick introductory adventure. My Demon of Self Doubt immediately told me it was crap and pointless.
To which a more positive voice shouted back, "SHUT UP! IT'S GOT A GOBLIN CALLED RINGO IN IT!!!" 😂
@Newt_Newport I got my shiny, new PDF of #SimpleQuest this morning. Looking forward to reading!
Today is a day of finishing things. Getting #SimpleQuest (concise younger sibling of #OpenQuest), and #RebootTheFuture off to the printers. Needs doing,and the achievement will lift me out of impending Winter "meh" :D
#Simplequest #openquest #rebootthefuture