Hi! I use on android:
On desktop: #gimp #linuxmint #rawtherapee
On both: #vlc #onlyoffice
#droid #Clipeus #aria2 #SimplyTranslate #wikipedia #feeder #radiodroid #glider #funkwhale #lemmur #tusky #pixeldroid #newpipe #fennec #PocketPaint #vectorify #aegis #AuthPass #gimp #linuxmint #rawtherapee #vlc #onlyoffice
About the people wondering, yeah, we're already working on adding the new Languages supported by Google to SimplyTranslate, and in fact working on making that whole process automated. #SimplyTranslate #SimpleWeb
So, #DeepL support is finally in the works for #SimplyTranslate
You can already try it out here: https://simplytranslate.org?engine=deepl
We're currently struggling a lot with rate limitations but we'll be working on fixing that :D
@tobi hello, Tobi, thank you for replying to me in English. However, today we all have #SimplyTranslate https://floss.social/@ademalsasa/107007461358633899 so language challenges could be easier now. Thanks for being considerate!
#SimplyTranslate now Supports Text-To-Speech for Google Translate!
Check it out here:
For the soon coming release of #SimplyTranslate 1.0 I'll buy a domain for my particular instance of it, any suggestions? I'm currently considering simplytranslate.org
Thanks to @alefvanoon We have another #SimplyTranslate instance now: https://st.alefvanoon.xyz and another #SimpleerTube instance: https://stube.alefvanoon.xyz
#SimplyTranslate #SimpleerTube
Let me introduce #SimplyTranslate - cli to y'all. A terminal script that allows you to do translations directly in your terminal
just came across an old TODO file where it said "find a way to make google translate gate work" which would then eventually become #SimplyTranslate
I don't know if I have any blind followers or not, but if anybody that is blind is reading this.. it would be awesome if you could take a look at our Translation Site #SimplyTranslate and tell us what we can improve to make it more blind-user friendly
Here's The Link:
(Boosts Appreciated)
I just updated the style of #SimpleerTube to lign up with #SimplyTranslate
what do you think?
#SimpleerTube #SimplyTranslate
Thanks to @joeligj12 #SimplyTranslate has now a favicon!
Let me introduce, the major design rework of #SimplyTranslate
it's greatly "inspired" (or more directly copied from)
So.. it's really simple and plain but I think that would do the job as a favicon for #SimplyTranslate, what do you think?
Been Thinking about making a logo for #SimplyTranslate.. (for use as favicon.png and such) any suggestions on design concepts?
We now have Dockerfiles for #SimplyTranslate https://git.sr.ht/~metalune/simplytranslate_docker
I just introduced a "Switch Languages" button to #SimplyTranslate
alright, #SimplyTranslate is now up on gemini!
I cannot guarantee that it is bug-free or anything like that, but it is the best I could do for now, please, if you encounter bugs, file a ticket on Sourcehut, or message us on our IRC (#simple-web on freenode)