there was also some times where i played games with others, like #Phasmophobia or #AmongUS or some #FirstclassTrouble.
yesterday i tried #DeadByDaylight but i'm not happy with playing those in open Games with strangers.
For some time it worked well with the people of #Simproved discord community (she is a sims youtuber and streamer) but interest and time to play together changes, sometimes the interest in games changes very fast and i can't and want to buy and test game after game.
#Phasmophobia #AmongUs #FirstclassTrouble #deadbydaylight #Simproved
the builds and characters are already on the gallery under #harrypotterworld (not only used for this collab, so there are even more #HarryPotter themed builds) & #simproved (simproved = Fry who initiated this)
the problem of course: the builders went "all in" and used all of the packs they wanted and had, no restrictions, which always creates the urge to buy more packs than you want or need, to download the buildings or sim completely. that is really a problem. #sims4
#harrypotterworld #harrypotter #Simproved #sims4
Simproved buld The Stacks from the movie Ready Player One in The Sims 4, and it is #amazing
Video of the build: